Page 1 - Parker - Fulflo High-Pressure Single Cartridge Filter Vessel
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          Fulflo High-Pressure Single
          Cartridge Filter Vessel (4.5C)

          Fulflo® High-Pressure Filter
          Vessels Are Ideal for High-
          Pressure Liquid Applications

          Ideal for a wide range of industrial
          machinery and process industry
          applications, these vessels combine
          extremely high-pressure rating
          capability with ease of installation
          and rugged durability.


            4.5C features multiple bolt closure to   Drain and vent standard on all   Applications
            meet high-pressure requirements      models
                                                 V V
            In-line pipe connections for easy    Vessels accept a single 10  or        Petrochemicals
            installation                         20  DOE (double-open-end) seal        Coolants
            Available in carbon steel and 316    elements                              Hydraulic Oils
            stainless steel materials                                                  Process Water
            Spring-loaded bottom seats for                                             Solvents
            positive cartridge sealing                                                 Other High-Pressure Liquids

                                                                         ENGINEERING YOUR SUCCESS.

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