Page 5 - Proportion-Air - QPV & MPV Proportional Pressure Control Valves
P. 5


                             LINEARITY                                       RESPONSE TO STEP INPUT

                               LINEARITY                                      R ES P O N S E T O  S T EP  IN P U T
                100                                                    1 0 0
                90                                                     9 0                            C o m m a n d
                80                                                     8 0                            P re s s u re
               Pressure [% of scale]  60                          %    6 0
                                                                       7 0
                                                                       5 0
                                                                       4 0
                                                                       3 0
                10                                                  o  2 0
                                                                       1 0
                                                                  f   S
                 0                                                c     0
                   0  1   2  3   4  5  6   7  8   9  10           a      -1 0 0  0  1 0 0  2 0 0  3 0 0  4 0 0  5 0 0  6 0 0  7 0 0
                              Command [Volts]                                           Time [ms ]  V o lu m e  =  1  c u . in .
                                                                  l e
          This chart shows the linear characteristics of QPV or   Times for QPV or MPV  (0.040” valve orifice) to fill/
          MPV  products when given a ramp signal from 0-10        exhaust a closed chamber.  Step command signal is
          volts.    Characteristics  would  be  similar  for 4-20  mA   superimposed  over  pressure  trace.    Time  is
          units.                                                  determined  by  difference  between  command  signal
                                                                  and pressure achieved.

                                                QPV vs. TRADITIONAL

           Traditional                                             Traditional

                QPV                                                    QPV

                                  Time                                          No Flow             Flow

          When  flow  or  leakage  is  present  in  the  system,   When  transitioning  from  no  flow  to  flow  conditions,
          traditional  two  valve  I/P’s  bleed  down  and  then   traditional I/P’s experience droop and lock up errors.
          actuate  the  inlet  valve  to  compensate.    This  gives   The QPV or MPV features an error integrator circuit
          erratic pressure and flow.  The QPV or MPV opens its    that  proportionally  opens  the  inlet  valve  to  maintain
          inlet  valve  proportionally  to  match  the  system  flow,   pressure as system flow changes.
          resulting in steady pressure.

                          BRQPVMPV-201606A  *  PROPORTIONAIR.COM  *  LET’S TALK - 317.335.2602  |  877.331.1738     5
   1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9   10