Page 1 - Parker - Fulflo MegaBond Plus Cartridges
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        Fulfl o  MegaBond Plus

        Depth Cartridge for High Dirt-Holding

        Capacity and Absolute-Rated Filtration

        Effi ciency

        Parker’s Fulfl o  MegaBond Plus™
        (MBP) are absolute rated depth
        cartridges. Using a new innovative
        manufacturing process, the MBP has
        higher dirt-holding capacities offering
        long service life without contaminant
        migration. The MBP has a fi xed core
        inner structure of thermally bonded
        continuous microfi ne polypropylene
        fi bers. The modifi ed outer layer fi xed
        pore structure maximizes the graded
        density surface area to enhance dirt-
        holding capacity.
        Available in absolute (ß = 5000) ratings
        of 1, 3, 5, 10, 15, 20, 30, 40, 70, 90
        and 120 micron.

        Benefi ts

        • Microfi ne, thermally bonded fi ber   • Non-fi ber-releasing, continu-  •  All materials of construction are FDA
          construction provides superior fi l-  ous fi ber matrix prevents media   listed as acceptable for potable and
          tration & often eliminates the need   migration and ensures consistent   edible liquid contact according to
          for circulation to achieve product   production yields and overall qual-  CFR Title 21
          clarity                             ity fi ltration performance        •  Pore size differentiation is achieved
                                            •  No surfactants or binders are pres-  using fi bers of differing diameters
                                              ent to interrupt product quality or   and maintaining uniform density
        Contact Information                   cause foaming                        throughout the cartridge
                                            •  Double open-end cartridges        •  Pore sizes do not change as DP
                                              have polyolefi n gaskets thermally   increases during service, providing
        Parker-Hannifi n Corporation
                                              bonded to both ends eliminating      consistent particle retention
        Process Advanced Filtration Division
                                              fl uid bypass between the cartridge
        2340 Eastman Avenue
                                              and the vessel seal
        Oxnard, California, USA 93030                                            Applications
                                            •  Superior inter-layer bonding
                                              eliminates contaminant unloading
        toll free +1 877 784 2234                                                • Photographics
                                              and channeling
        phone +1 805 604 3400                                                    •  High Technology Coatings
                                            •  Unique outer graded density struc-
        fax +1 805 604 3401                                                      • DI Water
                                              ture increases dirt holding capacity                                                      • Plating Solutions
                                            • Polypropylene fi ber provides broad
                                                                                 • Chemical Processing
                                              chemical compatibility for a variety ltration                                        • Membrane Prefi ltration
                                              of applications
                                                                                 •  Food & Beverage

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