Page 2 - Parker - Fulflo MegaBond Plus Cartridges
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          Fulfl o  MegaBond Plus  Cartridges
          Specifi cations                       MBP Flow Factors    MBP Length
                                               (psid/gpm @ 1 cks)    Factors
          Materials of Construction:                                               Flow Rate and Pressure Drop Formulas
          Polypropylene:                       Rating    Flow    Length  Length   Flow Rate (gpm)  =  Clean ΔP x Length Factor
          Microfi ber 100% melt blown construction  (µm)  Factor   (in)   Factor                   Viscosity x Flow Factor
          Center Support Core/End Caps:         MBP1     2.17     9.75     1.0    Clean ΔP  =  Flow Rate x Viscosity x Flow Factor
          Natural polypropylene                 MBP3     1.60     10.00    1.0                      Length Factor
          Thermally Bonded Gaskets:
          Polyolefi n closed cell foam (DOE only)  MBP5   0.90     19.50    2.0
                                                                                  1. Clean ΔP is psi differential at start.
                                               MBP10     0.32     20.00    2.0
          Maximum Recommended                                                     2. Viscosity is centistokes. Use Conversion Tables
          Operating Conditions:                MBP15     0.16     29.25    3.0      for other units.
          Temperature:                         MBP20     0.12     30.00    3.0    3. Flow Factor is ΔP/GPM at 1cks for 10 in
                                                                                    (or single).
          @ 60psid (4.1bar): 80°F (27°C)       MBP30     0.10     39.00    4.0    4. Length Factors convert fl ow or ΔP from 10 in
          @ 35psid (2.4bar): 160°F (71°C)                                           (single length) to required cartridge length.
          @ 15psid (1.0bar): 200°F (93°C)      MBP40     0.05     40.00    4.0
          Flow Rate:                           MBP70    <0.05
          5gpm (18.9 lpm) per 10 in length
          Recommended Maximum:                 MBP90    <0.04
          Change Out ΔP: 35psi (2.4bar)        MBP120   <0.03
          Operating Pressure @ Ambient
          Temperature: 60psid (4.1bar)         Liquid Particle Retention Ratings (μm) @ Removal Effi ciency of:

          Dimensions:                          Cartridge  ß=5000  ß=1000 | 99.0% ß=100 | 99% ß=50 | 98% ß=10 | 90%
          1 in ID x 2- ⁄ 16 in OD 10, 20, 30 and         Absolute
          40 in continuous nominal lengths       MBP1       1          0.9           0.5        0.4        0.2
          Absolute Filtration Ratings:           MBP3       3          2.8           1.9        1.7        0.8
          1μm, 3μm, 5μm, 10μm, 15μm, 20μm,
                                                 MBP5       5          3.7           2.3        1.6        1.2
          30μm, 40μm, 70μm, 90μm and 120μm
                                                MBP10       10         9.1           8.0        7.8        6.7
          Beta Ratio (ß) =
               Upstream Particle Count @ Specifi ed   MBP15  15         12.0          9.6        8.9        7.2
                   Particle Size and Larger     MBP20       20         18.3         13.0        12.5       8.7
              Downstream Particle Count @ Specifi ed   MBP30  30        25.0         20.0        18.0       13.0
                   Particle Size and Larger     MBP40       40         35.0         28.0        25.0       18.0
             Percent Removal Effi ciency  =   ß-1   100  MBP70  70      60.0         48.0        42.0       30.0
          Performance determined per ASTM F-795-88. Single-Pass   MBP90  90  80.0   72.0        63.0       48.0
          Test using AC test dust in water at a fl ow rate of 3.5gpm per             95.0
          10 in (13.2 lpm per 254 mm) cartridge.  MBP120   120        105.0                     85.0       70.0
          Ordering Information

              MBP              M                            —                         —

             Cartridge Code  Micron Rating  Nominal Length  Support Construction  End Cap Confi guration  Seal Material
                                  9-4  9¾ "  N  Polypropylene  Std. Double Open End (DOE) /    None  Polyfoam (DOE only)
                           1                              None  Polyfoam    SSC  SS inserted 226 O-ring/Closed
                                  10   10"   G  304 SS (Core Only)                              E  EPR
                           3                               AR  020/Flat (Gelman)  SSF  SS inserted 226 O-ring/Fin
                                  19-4  19½ "                                                   N  Buna-N
                           5                               DO  DOE          STC  SS inserted 222 O-ring/Closed
                                  20   20"                                                      S  Silicone (o-ring only)
                           10                              DX  DOE with Polypro extender  STF  SS inserted 222 O-ring/Fin
                                  29-4  29¼ "                                                      PFA Encapsulated
                           15                              LL  120 O-ring both ends**  TC  222 O-ring/Flat  T  Viton ®  (222, 226 O-
                                  30   30"
                                                                                                   ring only)
                           20                              LR  120 O-ring/Recessed**  TF  222 O-ring/Fin
                                  39-4  39 "                                                    V  Viton ®
                           30                                 Std. open end/Polypropylene
                                  40   40 "                OB                TX  222 O-ring/Flex Fin
                                                              spring closed end
                                                           PR  213 O-ring/Recessed**  XA  DOE w/Extended Core
                                                           SC  226 O-ring/Flat
                           90                                                XB  Ext. core open end/Polypropyl-
                                                           SF  226 O-ring/Fin   ene spring closed end
                                                         ** Available only in 9¾" (9-4) and 19½" (19-4) lengths.
          © 2010 Parker-Hannifi n Corporation                                   Viton is a registered trademark of E.I. DuPont de Nemours & Co., Inc.
          Process Advanced Filtration Division
          All Rights Reserved
          Specifi cations are subject to change without notifi cation
          For User Responsibility Statement, see                                  SPEC-MBP    01/10
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