Page 4 - Parker - The Handbook of Hydraulic Filtration
P. 4

Contamination Basics

      Filtration Fact                        Contamination Causes                  If any one of these functions is
                                                                                   impaired, the hydraulic system will not
                                             Most Hydraulic Failures
                                                                                   perform as designed. The resulting
      Properly sized, installed, and         The experience of designers and users
                                                                                   downtime can easily cost a large manu-
      maintained hydraulic                   of hydraulic and lube oil systems has  facturing plant thousands of dollars
                                             verified the following fact: over 75% of
      filtration plays a key role                                                  per hour. Hydraulic fluid maintenance
                                             all system failures are a direct result
                                                                                   helps prevent or reduce unplanned
      in machine preventative                of contamination!
                                                                                   downtime. This is accomplished
      maintenance planning.                                                        through a continuous improvement
                                             The cost due to contamination is
                                                                                   program that minimizes and removes
                                             staggering, resulting from:           contaminants.
      Filtration Fact                        ▼ Loss of production (downtime)
                                             ▼ Component replacement costs         Contaminant Damage
      The function of a hydraulic            ▼ Frequent fluid replacement          ▼ Orifice blockage

      filter is to clean oil, but the        ▼ Costly disposal                     ▼ Component wear
      ultimate purpose is to                 ▼ Increased overall maintenance costs  ▼ Formation of rust or other oxidation

      reduce operating costs.                ▼ Increased scrap rate                ▼ Chemical compound formation
                                                                                   ▼ Depletion of additives
                                             Functions of Hydraulic
                                             Fluid                                 ▼ Biological growth
      Filtration Fact                        Contamination interferes with the four

                                                                                   Hydraulic fluid is expected to create a
                                             functions of hydraulic fluids:
      The disposal cost of a                                                       lubricating film to keep precision parts
                                             1. To act as an energy transmission
      drum of waste oil can be                                                     separated. Ideally, the film is thick
                                                                                   enough to completely fill the clearance
      4X - 5X the cost of a                  2. To lubricate internal moving parts of
                                                                                   between moving parts. This condition
      drum of new oil.                         components.                         results in low wear rates. When the
                                             3. To act as a heat transfer medium.  wear rate is kept low enough, a compo-
                                             4. To seal clearances between moving  nent is likely to reach its intended life
                                               parts.                              expectancy, which may be millions of
                                                                                   pressurization cycles.

                                              Actual photomicrograph of particulate contamination
                                              (Magnified 100x  Scale: 1 division = 20 microns)
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