Page 16 - Joyce - Jacks, actuators and systems
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        1.  What is the difference between upright   3.  How is the linear travel speed    6.  How is the clevis, T4 end,
           and inverted jack configurations?   calculated? Each screw jack and actuator   positioned on a keyed jack?
           The difference between an upright and an   has an inherent number of input shaft turns
           inverted jack is the location at which the    per inch (TPI) of screw travel. TPI is the   -  Standard clevis mounting position –
           lifting screw exits the jack relative to the   result of the jack’s gear ratio divided by the   the hole in the clevis end is parallel
           jack base. For example, an upright jack’s   lifting screw lead. The TPI can be found on   with the worm input shaft.
           lifting screw exits the jack opposite the   jack specification pages at the beginning of
           base. An inverted jack’s lifting screw exits   many product sections. A model WJT242   -  Optional mounting position – the hole
           the jack on the same side as the base.    has a TPI of 96. If 350 RPM is applied to   in the clevis end is perpendicular to
           The choice between inverted and upright   the input shaft, the resultant linear speed of   the worm input shaft.
           jack is dependent upon the application.   travel is 350/96 or 3.65 inches per minute.
               What is the difference between upright
           Note: An upright jack mounted upside down
               and inverted jack conguration?
           is still referred to as an upright jack.  4.  Are screw jacks lubricated prior
                                               to shipment? All Joyce machine screw
                                               jacks and ComDRIVEs , ball screw jacks
                                               and ComDRIVEs , bevel ball actuators,
                                               integrated actuators, and electric
                                               cylinders are lubricated with an extreme
                                               pressure NLGI grade #1 grease before        Standard   Optional
                                               leaving the factory.
                                               Bevel gear jacks are lubricated with NLGI
              Upright                            Inverted  grade #1 grease and oil. The upper bearing   7.  How is the load pad, T2 end, positioned
                               Inverted Jack
           Upright Jack
                                               and jackscrew are grease lubricated while    on keyed jacks?
                                               the remaining internal components are    -  Standard load pad mounting position –
        2.  How can I determine worm shaft     oil lubricated. They are grease lubricated   the holes on the load pad are on the jack
                   How can I determine
           rotation extending the lifting screw?    prior to shipment; however oil must be
                    shaft rotation?
           Refer to the views of the standard jack    added to the unit prior to operation.  centerlines.
           with right hand screw threads below:                                   -  Optional load pad mounting position –
                Screw                          Linear actuators (LA) are lubricated for life.
                Extends        Inverted Jack                                        the holes on the load pad end straddle
           -  For an Upright jack:                                                  the jack centerlines.
            CCW rotation of right input
            shaft extends the lifting screw.    5.  What are the standard end conditions
            CW rotation of the left            for screw jack lifting screws?
            shaft extends lifting screw.       The following standard end conditions are
       Left          Right   Left       Right   available on Joyce/Dayton screw jacks:
       Side  -  For an Inverted jack:   Side  Side
            CW rotation of right input         -  Type 1
            shaft extends lifting screw.        plain turned end
           Upright Jack             Screw
            CCW rotation of the left
            shaft extends lifting screw.                                                Standard      Optional
                                               -  Type 2
                                                load pad with
                                                mounting holes
                                               -  Type 3
                                                male threaded end

                                               -  Type 4
                                                male clevis end

                                               Contact Joyce/Dayton for information

                                              about custom end conditions.

        16           Custom products are available • Contact Joyce/Dayton with your requirements  800-523-5204
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