Page 2 - Parker - XLH Filter Bags
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XlH fIlTEr BAgs

        XLH high efficiency filter bags provide high quality filtration performance
         oRDERinG inFoRMation
         PERFoRMancE attRiBUtEs


             Bag Style          Bag Size          Media             Micron      Seal Options    Other Options
         CODE       DESCRIPTION  CODE       DESCRIPTION  CODE       DESCRIPTION  CODE       (μm)  CODE         SEAL  CODE       OPTION
          C   Plastic Quic-  1  Single       XLH   High Efficiency  05   0.5    Blank   No Seal  Blank   None
              Seal RIng     2              Double                 1     1        F*     Flex Band   H   Cotton Handle
          G   Steel Snap RIng                                     2.5   2.5          Seal
                                                                  10    10       Q**     Top Sealing
                                                                  25    25           Plastic Ring
                                                                              *Available with code G style bag only.
                                                                              **Not available on “C” style.

         tEcHnical sUPPoRt anD PRoDUct inFoRMation
        Parker provides our customers with unsurpassed product consistency and cost efficiency. Our experienced professionals can help you select the right
        solution for your application. Orders can be emailed directly to For additional information contact your local distributor. Information
        on product specifications, applications and chemical compatibility can be found on our web site at or through the Oxnard office.
        Parker designs and manufactures an extensive line of innovative solutions for specific applications in the Microelectronics, Biopharmaceutical, Food and
        Beverage, Coatings and Inks, Process and Chemical industries.

                                                                                  Process Advanced Filtration Division
                                                                                  2340 Eastman Avenue
                                                                                  Oxnard, California, USA 93030
                                                                                   Toll Free: +1 877 784 2234
                                                                                   Phone: +1 805 604 3400
        Specifications are subject to change without notification.                 Fax: +1 805 604 3401
        Fulflo ®  is a trademark of Parker Hannifin Corporation.
        © 2007 Parker Hannifin Corporation.                              
        SPEC-C-5031-FB Rev. A 9/07                           74
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