Page 48 - Ingersoll Rand - ARO EXPert Series Diaphragm Pumps 3/8" Through 3" Fluid Ports
P. 48

Covers / Agitators / Wall Mounts / Siphon Tubes / Counting

              Drum Cover                     651100               Siphon Tubes
              •  Available in stainless steel (SS),   Material Agitator  •   For use when pumping from
                durable drum cover will accommodate                 a 55-gallon container, siphon tubes are
                both diaphragm pump and agitator,                   available in plastic (PVC), carbon steel,
                where needed.                                       or 316 stainless steel (SS).  1-inch
                                                                    siphon tubes come with foot valve for
              Material Agitators                                    positive priming.  Both 1/2-inch and
              •  Agitators available for both 5 and                 1-inch models include bung adapters
                55-gallon containers.       Drum Cover              and are constructed of corrosion-resis-
                Air-operated agitator motors gener-                 tant 316 stainless steel.
                ate between 500-1,000 RPM (5 gal.
                model), and 300-3,000 RPM (55 gal.
                model).  Agitator shaft and propellers
                are constructed of corrosion-resistant
                316 stainless steel.

              Description       Model Number      Used With
              Drum Cover      66971(stainless steel)   1/2” Pump
                                                5-Gallon Container
              Material Agitator   651100        5-Gallon Container
                                  651103       55-Gallon Container  Description     Model Number      Used With
                                                                     Siphon Tubes      61409        1/2” (Non-Metallic)
                                                                                   PVC 90°  N.P.T.(M)    55-Gallon Container
              Wall Mount Brackets                                                      61412        1/2” (Non-Metallic)
                                                                                  PVC Straight N.P.T.(M)    55-Gallon Container
              •  Sturdy wall mount brackets provide a
                                                                                       65109          1” (Metallic)
                convenient means of mounting pumps for
                                                                                     (CS) N.P.T.(F)    55-Gallon Container
                centralized transfer operations.  Mounts
                                                                                       66568          1” (Metallic)
                are constructed of heavy-gauge, coated
                                                                                     (SS) N.P.T.(F)    55-Gallon Container
                steel and include mounting hardware.
                                                                                       66779        1” (Non-Metallic)
             Description       Model Number       Used With                         (PVC) N.P.T.(F)    55-Gallon Container
             Wall Mount Bracket   76763           1/2” Pump
                                (Does Not include
                               mounting hardware)
                                  66100       1” Pump (Metallic Only)
                                  62133      1-1/2” Pump (Metallic Only)
                                  67142        1” Pump and 3:1 1”
                                                Diaphragm Pump
              Mini Batch Counter Kit                             Countdown Batcher
              •  Converts a diaphragm pump into a simple batching system.  Can be powered by   •  Manual start batch counter kit controls the volume of fluid dispensed by
                110VAC or 12-15VDC. Kits include 67161-2 Mini Batch Counter, 59891 Air-to-  controlling the number of pump cycles. (pump not included)
                Electric Interface Switch, CHW-30 Connector, and TB0XXB-X-X Valve.

                                                                              (Pump not included)
                        67337-X Mini Batch Counter Kit with PE10P-X Pump

              Description       Kit     Kit Options   Pump Model  Description    Model No.        Pump Model
              Mini Batch Counter Kit   67337-X   -1 (24 VDC)   PE10X, PE10P  Countdown Batcher   67072   PD03P-X-X
                                        -2 (120 VAC)   PE10X, PE10P                             PD05-X-B, PD05X-X-B
                                         -3 (No Coil)   PE10X, PE10P                              PD07P-X, PD07-X
                               67338-X   -1 (24 VDC)   PE20X, PE30X                                PE10X-X-X
                                        -2 (120 VAC)   PE20X, PE30X
                                         -3 (No Coil)   PE20X, PE30X
              Ordering Note:  Select the PE (Electronic Interface Accessible) model pump for add-on of

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