Page 2 - Parker - V14 series variable displacement motor
P. 2
Designed for Optimal Preliminary Technical Data
Performance and Efficiency V14 frame size* 110 160
Displacement [cm3/rev]
@ 35° (max.)
@ 6.5° (min.) 22 32
Operating pressure [bar]
High performance – fast responses Excellent braking performance max. intermittent 1 480 480
The V14 gives any excavator, The motion-control valve, with max. continuous 420 420
or similar application, fast and a dedicated braking spool and Operating speed [rpm]
accurate movements, thanks to high integrated pressure-relief valves, max. intermittent @ 35° 1 3900 3400
starting torque and shaft speed and provides smooth and prompt max. continuous @ 35° 3400 3000
a quick-response regulator. Expect deceleration, further enhancing max. intermittent @ 6.5°– 20° 1 6500 5700
max. continuous @ 6.5°– 20°
outstanding acceleration from control and productivity. min. continuous 50 50
the V14 performance. Flow [l/min]
No leakage – easy servicing max. intermittent 1 430 550
Efficiency and speed The modular design makes the V14 max. continuous 375 480
An extremely high efficiency over easy to service, while O-ring seals Output torque [Nm] 175 255
@ 100 bar (theor.)
the entire displacement range between all housings make the new Max output power [kW] 262 335
means low fuel consumption, and motor virtually leak proof. Corner power [kW]
exhaust emissions and high tractive min. intermittent 1) 570 730
effort, leading to lower operating To aid in achieving optimum max. continuous 440 560
costs. The capability of the V14 performance, Parker Hannifin Mass moment of inertia 8.2 14.5
(x10 ) [kg m ]
also enables outstanding vehicle personnel can assist in fine Weight [kg] 54 68
speeds to provide a higher tuning transmissions at the 1 Max 6 seconds in any one minute
production output. prototyping stage. *Additional frame sizes in preparation
Note: When operating close to the extremes, please
contact Parker Hannifin Hydraulic Pump Division for
application approval.
A Integrated displacement position and E The V14 is equipped with Parker’s unique
shaftspeed sensors are avaliable. lightweight spherical pistons permitting
very high shaft speeds. The laminated piston
D B The displacement control of the motor rings prevent temperature chock damage.
is equipped with large servopiston/servo
spool for accurate performance. F Large orifices and strainers make the
control less sensitive to contamination.
C The V14 has integrated pressure relief
C and flushing functions. G The timing shaft synchronizes the shaft
D A “braking spool” in the motion-control and cylinder barrel. Low inertia, thanks to the
B valve closes the valve when the flow timing-shaft concept, allows for outstanding
F E to the motor is not in balance with the acceleration capability and efficiency.
required flow, i.e. when the vehicle is going H O-ring seals are used between all housings
G downhill or if the driver reduces the speed. leading to a leak-free motor.
The motion-control valve prevents
I I Low-friction rotating parts and the
cavitation and provides forceful and nine-piston concept guarantee a high
H smooth deceleration. starting torque.
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