Page 4 - Parker - Water Purification
P. 4


           “Water, water everywhere, but not a drop to drink.”

         So bemoaned the Ancient Mariner when becalmed at sea     meet their other fresh water needs as well. Even in arid areas
         in “The Rime of the Ancient Mariner,” written by Samuel   of the world, where no fresh water is visible anywhere, the
         Coleridge Taylor in 1798. Today, with the aid of a Parker   wide variety of Parker desalination systems can produce tens
         reverse osmosis (RO) system on board, there is more than   of thousands of gallons of potable water per day from brackish
         enough potable water to quench the thirst of any crew and   wells or piped in sea water.

                                 Reverse osmosis water                                 Prefilters remove feedwater
                                 makers turn salt and brackish                         contaminants to protect
                                 water into potable water.                             pumps and reverse osmosis

                                 This modular, fully-contained                         Large RO systems meet the
                                 watermaker is designed                                freshwater requirements of
                                 for cruising sail boats where                         commercial users, USCG,
                                 space is limited.                                     US Navy and foreign navies.

                                 Titanium pumps are impervious                         Disaster relief site products offer
                                 to corrosive seawater and                             an immediate source of fresh
                                 heavy-duty drive-ends make                            water to devastated areas.
                                 them a great RO system choice.

                                 RO membrane elements                                  Oily water separators help
                                 have the technology to                                vessel operators treat shipboard
                                 remove dissolved salts at                             bilge water and protect the
                                 the atomic level.                                     marine environment.
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