Page 2 - Parker - Fulflo Mega-FLow Plus Filter Cartridges
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Fulfl o  Mega-Flow  Plus Filter Cartridges
          Specifi cations                                                                                   Flow Factor*
                                                 Cartridge  Absolute  Media  Removal Rating (Microns) at Effi ciency  [PSID/GPM
          Absolute Filtration Ratings:             Code    Rating             99.98%  99.9%  99%   98%     (Mbar/lpm)]
              = 5000; 99.98%):                 MCAP010    1     Polypropylene  1    0.8          <0.2      0.078 (1.4)
            Polypropylene: 1, 2, 5, 10, 20, 40, 70 μm  MCAP020  2  Polypropylene  2   1.5   0.45    0.2      0.031 (0.6)
            Cellulose: 10, 15, 25, 100, 150 μm   MCAP050    5     Polypropylene  5     4     1     0.45     0.008 (0.01)
                                                 MCAP100    10    Polypropylene  10    7     2      0.5     0.003 (0.06)
          Materials of Construction:             MCAP200    20    Polypropylene  20   13     4       2      0.002 (0.04)
            Media: Polypropylene microfi ber      MCAP400    40    Polypropylene  40   22     7       3      0.001 (0.02)
             (P Code) Cellulose with phenolic binder   MCAP700  70  Polypropylene  70  52    22     15     0.0008 (0.015)
             (C Code)                            MCAC100    10    Cellulose     10     8     2       1      0.003 (0.05)
                                                                                                            0.002 (0.03)
            Support Layers: Polypropylene (P Code);   MCAC150  15  Cellulose    15    10     3 5     2 3   0.0002 (0.003)
            End caps: Glass Filled Polypropylene   MCAC1000  100  Cellulose    100    85     10      5     0.0001 (0.002)
            O-Rings: Buna-N, EPR, Silicone, Fluoro-  MCAC1500  150  Cellulose  150    100    30     15   0.00005 (0.0009)
             elastomer                                                                                  *In water at 1cks
          Recommended Operating Conditions:
            Change Out Differential Pressure:
             35psid (2.4bar)                   Flow Rate and Pressure Drop Formulas:  1. Clean P ispsi differential at start.
            Maximum Flow Rate: 175gpm (662 lpm)  Flow Rate (gpm)  =   Clean P x     2. Viscosity is centistokes. Use Conversion
                                                                                       Tables for other units.
            Maximum Temperature: 200°F (93°C)                  Viscosity x Flow Factor  3. Flow Factor is P/GPM at 1cks for 10 in
            Maximum Differential Pressure: 150psid   Clean P  =  Flow Rate x Viscosity x Flow Factor  (or single).
            6 in (152 mm) OD 3.5 in (89 mm) ID,
            40 in (1016 mm) long
          Surface Area
             55 - 60 ft.  (5.1 - 5.6 m )

          Ordering Information

              MCA                                      -

             Cartridge Code     Media        Micron Rating   Length       O-Ring
            Mega Flow+TM   P  =  Polypropylene  010  =  1 μm   (P)  40  = 40"  N  =  Buna - N
            Absolute Series  C  =  Cellulose  020  =  2 μm   (P)      E  =  EPR
                                            050  =  5 μm   (P)        S  =  Silicone
                                            100  =  10 μm   (P, C)    V  =  Viton*
                                            150  =  15 μm   (C)
                                            200  =  20 μm   (P)
                                            250  =  25 μm   (C)
                                            400  =  40 μm   (P)
                                            700  =  70 μm   (P)
                                            1000  =  100 μm   (C)
                                            1500  =  150 μm   (C)

          Specifi cations are subject to change without notifi cation.                             © 2009 Parker Hannifi n
          Viton is a registered trademark of E.I. DuPont de Nemours & Co., Inc.                  Process Advanced Filtration
                                                                                                 All Rights Reserved
                                                                                                 SPEC-711 | 713 01/10

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