Page 5 - Parker - MGV series
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192-063008N1 High-Speed Motors for Test Rigs - MGV
Parker Hannifin High-Speed Motors for Test Rigs - MGV
- the global leader in motion and control technologies Overview
A world class player on a local stage MGV Series Servomotors are innovative direct drive
solutions specially designed for applications that
Global Product Design Manufacturing to Meet Worldwide Manufacturing require high speeds and low inertias.
Parker Hannifin has more than Our Customers’ Needs Locations MGV motors can be found in many automotive or
40 years experience in the design Parker is committed to meeting the Europe aeronautical component test rigs (starters, pumps,
and manufacturing of drives, increasing service demands that Littlehampton, United Kingdom alternators, gearboxes...).
controls, motors and mechanical our customers require to succeed Dijon, France Highly responsive with exceptional dynamic
products. With dedicated global in the global industrial market. Offenburg, Germany performance, MGV motors are ideally suited to the
product development teams, Parker’s manufacturing teams Milan, Italy needs of simulation testing: speed in urban cycle
Parker draws on industry-leading seek continuous improvement or motor racing, speed acyclism of an internal
technological leadership and through the implementation of Asia combustion engine, etc...
experience from engineering teams lean manufacturing methods Shanghai, China
in Europe, North America and Asia. throughout the process. We Chennai, India Features
measure ourselves on meeting our
Local Application Expertise customers’ expectations of quality • High maximum speeds avoid the need for mechanical
Parker has local engineering and delivery, not just our own. In North America • Low inertia allows very fast acceleration/deceleration
resources committed to adapting order to meet these expectations, Rohnert Park, California
and applying our current products Parker operates and continues to Irwin, Pennsylvania • Constant power operation above nominal speed
removes the requirement to oversize the drive
and technologies to best fit our invest in our manufacturing facilities Wadsworth, Ohio Technical Characteristics - Overview
customers’ needs. in Europe, North America and Asia. Charlotte, North Carolina • Water cooling ensures compact size and low noise
New Ulm, Minnesota operation Power Up to 230 kW
• High dynamic capabilities allow the operating
conditions of the tested product to be accurately Speed Up to 45 000 min -1
reproduced Field weakening Depending on the capabilities of
Local Manufacturing the drive
and Support in Europe Applikations Mounting* Flange B3
Parker provides sales assistance • Engine testing
and local technical support through • Lorries Protection degree IP40 as standard
a network of dedicated sales • Cars Cooling method Water jacket
teams and authorized technical • Motorbikes
distributors throughout Europe. • Components testing Supply voltage 400 VAC
• Gearboxes Connections • 1.2 m flying cable for power
For contact information, please • Differentials and thermal probe
refer to the Sales Offices on the • Bearings • Connector for feedback sensor
back cover of this document or visit • Belts signal
• ...
Stator winding Class F in accordance with
isolation EN60034-1 (overmolding)
Offenburg, Germany Milan, Italy
Thermal 1 PTC 150 probe as standard
Rotor balancing G1 quality
Shaft end Solid smooth shaft as standard
Bearings Steel or ceramic depending on
speed and load
Feedback sensor 2 poles resolver
* Note: the motors are designed for horizontal operation. In case
of vertical installation, please contact us.
Parker Sales Offices
Littlehampton, UK Distributors Dijon, France
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