Page 3 - Parker - Process Filtration
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Vessel Products

        Meeting requirements for performance, quality and value

          Parker ASME code and non-code fi lter vessels are available in a variety of confi gurations for a broad
          range of liquid, compressed air & gas applications.

         Standard single-cartridge vessels                                            Standard bag vessels
                    M Series    B-Series  BSSB   SSTC   4.5C      NP       LT/LTG                 FB      SB     CB

           Typical             Liquid: 5-10                                             Typical
         Flow Rate*    5-15    Gas: 65-180   5-15  5-15  5-10    5-10        5-10     Flow Rate*  80-160  80-1440  80-160
           (gpm)                                                                        (gpm)
          Pressure                                                                    rating (psi)  150  150-300  175
         rating (psi)  225-1610  125-150   150    200    450      150      125-150
                                                                                                 Carbon   Carbon   Carbon
                    Carbon Steel                                          Polypropylene          Steel   Steel   Steel
          Materials            Carbon Steel  316SS  316SS  Steel  Polypropylene        Materials
                                                                                                304LSS  304SS   304SS
                      316SS                             316SS                SAN
                                                                                                316LSS  316SS   316SS
          Cartridge   10, 20,  Liquid: 10, 20  10, 20,  10, 20,   10  10, 20  10, 20    # Bags     1      1-9     1
         Length (in)   30                   30    30
                               Gas: 3, 5, 7                                                      Size 1  Size 1  Size 1
                     1˝ NPTF                                                ¾˝ NPT     Bag Size  Size 2  Size 2  Size 2
                                 ¼˝ - 1˝   ¾˝ - 1˝  ¾˝ - 1˝   ¾˝
         Connections  150, 300, 600  NPT   NPT    NPT   NPT     ¾˝ NPT      1˝ NPT               2˝- 3˝
                    ANSI Flange                                            1 ½˝ NPT              ANSI     2˝
                                                                                      Connections  Flange  ANSI  2˝ NPT
           ASME                                                                                   NPT
           Code        Yes         No       No    No     No       No         No
        *5 gpm per 10 in. cartridge                                                               Yes     Yes    No
                                                                                      *5 gpm per 10 in. cartridge
                                                                             High fl ow large
         Standard multi-cartridge vessels                                                        Oil & coolant vessels
                                                                             diameter vessels
                      SF       S       MP      FE      HT      CH      WH    ParMax   Mega-Flow    FP      P      CP
          Flow Rate*   15-380  375-2040  180-3540  30-90  30-90  25-75  20-700  120-9500  250-3325  50-100  50-1800  30-60
          rating (psi)  150-300  150-300  100-150  150  123-418  175   150    150-300   150-300   150     150    175
                     Carbon   Carbon          Carbon          Carbon          Carbon    Carbon   Carbon
                     Steel    Steel            Steel  Carbon   Steel  Passivated   Steel  Steel   Steel  Carbon   Carbon
                     304SS   304SS            304LSS   Steel  304SS   316SS   304SS     304SS             Steel  Steel
                                      316LSS                                                     304LSS
                     316SS   316SS            316LSS          316SS           316LSS    316SS
         # Cartridges  3-19  25-102   12-177    6       6       5      4-35    1-19      2-19      1-2    1-18    1-2
          Cartridge  10, 20,                  10, 20,
          Length (in)  30, 40  30, 40  30, 40   30   10, 20, 30  30, 40  30, 40  20, 40, 60  40   18, 36  18, 36  18, 36
           Std. or                                                                                718     718    718
          Large OD  Std. OD  Std. OD  Std. OD  Std. OD  Std. OD  Std. OD  Std. OD  Large OD  Large OD  Series  Series  Series

                                              2˝- 3˝                                              2˝- 3˝
                    2˝, 3˝, 4˝   4˝, 6˝, 8˝   3˝-14˝   ANSI   2˝      1.5˝-6˝   3˝-18˝   6˝-16˝   ANSI    2˝-8˝
          Connections  ANSI   ANSI     ANSI   Flange   ANSI   2˝ NPT   ANSI    ANSI      ANSI    Flange   ANSI   1 ½˝
                     Flange  Flange   Flange          Flange          Flange  Flange    Flange           Flange
                                              2˝- 3˝                                              2˝- 3˝
                                               NPT                                                NPT
         ASME Code    Yes     Yes      Yes     Yes     Yes      No     No       Yes      Yes       Yes    Yes     No
        *5 gpm per 10 in. cartridge
        For vessel technical support call 877 784 2234
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