Page 3 - Parker - TS8000 HMI Touchscreens
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HMI Touchscreen

          TS8000 Series

         Description                                            Features

         TS8000 is a high performance web-enabled HMI touchscreen   Multi-lingual graphical interface
         range with powerful features that would normally only be
         found in PC-based displays.                           NEMA 4X protection

         The TS8000 is able to communicate with many different   Five screen sizes
         pieces of hardware through its 10/100Base-T Ethernet port.  Built-in symbol library of common objects

         Furthermore a USB programming port allows programs to be   Built-in web server/Virtual Panel
         downloaded, or access to trending and data logging, while data
         can be collected and stored on a standard CompactFlash card,   Built-in “C-based” script language
         freeing up internal memory.                           CompactFlash support

         Unlike similar competitive units, programming software for   Integrated automatic multiple protocol
         the TS8000 is a free download! DSI8000 software works with   conversion
         all TS8000 units, and features user friendly drag and drop data
         mapping. It contains a powerful set of icon-based configura-  Five communications ports
         tion, display, control, and data logging tools uniquely designed   Free DSI8000 programming software
         to take full advantage of the TS8000 series architecture.

         Available Models

             TS8003         TS8006              TS8008                 TS8010                      TS8015

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