Page 4 - Parker - K220LS Mobile directional control valve
P. 4

Catalogue HY17-8537/UK                             Mobile Directional Control Valve
        General information                                K220LS

        K220LS with threaded ports.        K220LS with two types of work section, with   K220LS in combination with L90LS.
                                           flange connection and with threaded ports.

        The K220LS is a sectionally-built, load sensing, directional control   The K220LS can be constructed in many different designs, with
        valve for mobile machinery. The valve is characterised by industry-  different inlet sections, work sections, end sections. The valve sec-
        leading properties regarding robustness, control precision and   tions are individually specified with threaded or flange ports. The
        energy efficiency.                                  K220LS can also be combined with the smaller L90LS directional
                                                            valve in order to further optimise functional performance in ma-
        It has a wide range of selectable functions, offering great flexibility in   chinery with large variations in flow requirement.
        terms of system structure in simple as well as advanced hydraulic
        system solutions. The K220LS can be equipped with hydraulic or
        electrohydraulic spool actuators in any combination. Each valve   For complete customer-specific functional adaptation and to ac-
        section can be optimised for its particular function in the machin-  commodate every conceivable need in terms of auxiliary function
        ery, with a large range of spools, pressure relief valves, pressure   control, the K220LS can be combined with tailor-made function
        compensators, signal pressure limiters and other performance-  manifolds consisting of components from Parker's many divisions.
        enhancing functions.

                                                          4                         Parker Hannifin
                                                                                    Mobile Controls Division Europe
                                                                                    Borås, Sweden
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