Page 2 - Parker - Oil and gas downstream applications filtration products for Amine sweetening and Glycol dehydration
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Filtration for process effi ciency

               From crude to fi nal production

          When refi ning presents complex challenges, Parker
          domnick hunter fi ltration systems present solutions
          which respond to today’s demanding worldwide market.
          We offer innovative and application-specifi c fi ltration
          to help ensure integrity and purity throughout the
          downstream process.

          Downstream demands                  Filtration in refi neries            APPLICATIONS
          After upstream drilling and transport,   Parker domnick hunter Process   Amine Sweetening
          crude oil must be processed in a    Filtration provides optimized       • Sour water
          refi nery. Effi cient processing of   engineered solutions to:            • Rich Amine
          several hundred thousand barrels of                                     • Lean Amine
          crude oil a day – essentially a non-  • Minimize foaming                • Make-up Amine
          stop operation – demands fi ltration   • Decrease chemical usage
          solutions that perform reliably, even   • Protect carbon beds           Glycol Dehydration
          under extreme conditions. Parker    • Eliminate carbon carryover        • Sour water
          domnick hunter meets these needs    • Protect processing equipment      • Rich Glycol
          with fi ltration systems that get the  • Improve production and          • Lean Glycol
          job done with minimal maintenance     operation effi ciency              • Make-up Glycol
          and downtime.                       • Reduce process upsets
                                                and downtime
          Amine & Glycol process              • Lower maintenance costs
          Amine Sweetening is the process
          of removing toxic and corrosive     Committed to process optimization
          components, primarily hydrogen      Parker domnick hunter recognizes
          sulfi de (H S) and carbon dioxide (CO ),   that due to the hazards associated with
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          from a hydrocarbon gas stream.      maintenance in petroleum production
          Similarly, Glycol Dehydration removes   facilities along with high disposal
          water to prevent corrosion and      costs, minimizing both change out
          freezing of processing equipment.   frequency and process downtime are
          Both  processes share a common      of utmost importance. That’s why we
          purpose which is to strip contaminants   optimize fi ltration systems to ensure
          in the absorber/contactor then      that the total cost of ownership for
          regenerate the process liquids in the   contaminant control is balanced,
          regenerator/stripper.               without compromising process
                                              effi ciency.
          In both cases, fi ltration of the Amine
          or Glycol liquid plays an important   Global support with local perspective
          role because particulate contaminants   Wherever you are in the world and
          reduce the operational effi ciency of the   whatever the process requirements,
          processes. These fi ltration systems   Parker domnick hunter’s dedicated
          are commonly sized for partial fl ow on   support team is there to help you get
          a slip-stream, but full-fl ow fi ltration is   the most out of your fi ltration systems.
          the best method of ensuring that the   We have a presence in all of the major
          sweetening and dehydration processes   petroleum processing regions offering
          run as effi ciently as possible.     local and technical support for refi nery
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