Page 10 - Mahle - Efficient filtration and separation solutions for marine technology
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Longer service life, higher operational safety, lower maintenance requirements, and more efficient use of re-
sources—the performance of our systems pays off for you and for the environment. For the treatment, cleaning,
and filtration of hydraulic and lubricating fluids as well as control oils, you can benefit from our decades of ex-
pertise, extensive standard product range, and customer-specific solutions that meet individual requirements.
Low-pressure filters Duplex filters Duplex filter Turbidity sensor
Safe functionality: hydraulic filters for steering gears Particularly clean: filter water separator
Solid and liquid contaminants in hydraulic systems, such as The coalescer filter was developed to separate free water from oils
steering gear hydraulics, cause wear, abrasion, and corrosion, and and fuels. It works without absorption media and inexpensively:
have a negative effect on the physical-chemical properties of specifically arranged filter materials collect the small water droplets
the hydraulic fluid. Hydraulic filters from MAHLE reduce particle floating in the fluid and separate them out.
contamination in hydraulic and lubricating systems to the level
required by the cleanliness class, in accordance with the interna- Flexible filtration: oil treatment for sterntube seals
tional standards ISO 4406/1999 and NAS 1638, thus ensuring Our oil treatment can be used for any middle distillates and reliably
the long-term functionality of modern hydraulic systems. separates water and other typical contaminants from the medium
to be treated by means of filter coalescer elements. We provide
Outstanding economic efficiency: transmission oil filters systems in vertical and horizontal orientation to meet your require-
Our duplex filters are reliable and ready for operation around the ments and space constraints. You can thus benefit from space-
clock; they ensure highly efficient performance, long service life, saving, efficient, and low-maintenance filtration and water separation.
and low flow resistance even at high viscosity. Thanks to an intel-
ligent design, the Vario filter series can be adapted to nearly any Perfect protection: basket strainer filters
application and reduce extensive oil cleaning—with minimal space Dirt, which leads to premature wear of components, is one of the
requirements and lower operating costs. major causes of faults and operating failures in marine technology.
Cost-efficient basket strainer filters from MAHLE are perfectly
Smooth operation: filters for deck hydraulics suited to preventively protect piping, and to treat and maintain
For the widely varying installation points and functions of deck fluids. As simplex or duplex filters, the strainers can be used
hydraulics, we offer suction filters, pressure filters, duplex filters, for fluids of all types. Easy-to-clean metal filter elements simplify
return-line filters, bypass filters, air breathers, filter units and ele- operation and provide high reliability and long service life.
ments for all pressure stages, as well as accessories and service
units. Quick reaction: turbidity sensors from MAHLE are used
in hydraulic and fuel systems where there is a risk of water con-
tamination. They allow you to quickly and reliably detect water
ingress into your system, and can thus prevent damage.