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Power Generation Markets
Condensate water prefi ltration to protect
deionization resin effi ciency
Market Application Publication
In power plants, water is heated to
generate steam which is then cooled
to form condensate. This condensate
water is collected, stored, and reused
as boiler feed water and is purifi ed
before recycling through the power
generation system. The purifi cation
process is referred to as condensate
polishing which utilizes ion exchange
(demineralization) to remove dissolved
impurities and suspended solids
such as silica oxides, chlorides,
sulfates, and sodium. Some of these
contaminants can accrue within the
demineralizer resulting in reduced ion
exchange effi ciency. Parker domnick
hunter Process Filtration offers high
performance products and technical
expertise to address these issues.
Contact Information Challenge
Parker Hannifi n Corporation The suspended solids and dissolved The primary function of condensate
domnick hunter impurities within condensate water demineralizers is to remove
Process Filtration - North America have a great potential to seriously dissolved contaminants. They are
2340 Eastman Avenue damage the power plant boilers, not specifi cally designed to handle
Oxnard, California, USA 93030 steam generators, and turbines. insoluble corrosion particles such as
These contaminants can cause pitting iron and copper, commonly referred to
toll free +1 877 784 2234 corrosion of ferric steel and stress as “crud” which accumulate quickly
phone +1 805 604 3400 corrosion which can: in these systems. As a result, the ion
fax +1 805 604 3401 • Increase boiler blow down exchange resin bed is forced to fi lter out both these dissolved and solid
frequency to remove accumulated
solids and particulates contaminants without the added ltration protection of prefi ltration. When resin
• Reduce heat transfer effi ciencies beds are used as particle fi lters, ion
due to contaminants exchange effi ciencies are minimized,
• Cause unscheduled downtime more back-fl ushing is required,
for equipment cleaning or downtime is more frequent, and
replacement of corroded parts maintenance costs increase.