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The Parker Solution

        Th  ere are a variety of commercially
        available demineralizer confi gurations                Typical Crud Accumulation
        to accommodate diff erent power                             without Prefiltration
        generation process layouts and purity
        requirements. Parker domnick hunter       1000
        Process Filtration can address these
        diff erent requirements with a wide
        array of fi ltration vessels and cartridges.    750

        Without condensate polishing,
        hundreds of pounds of crud will
        accumulate within the demineralizer      Pounds of Crud  500
        bed in a matter of days as illustrated                                          2ppm of crud in 1000gpm of
        in the Typical Crud Accumulation                                                condensate (water) per day
        chart. Th is signifi cantly reduces the    250
        ion exchange eff ectiveness of the
        demineralizer resulting in frequent
        replacement of expensive resin.
                                                       0                 10                 20                 30
        Properly sized cartridge fi lters capture
        these solids before the demineralizers
        to cost eff ectively extend ion exchange
        resin life and improve effi  ciency.

        Parker’s ParMax fi lter vessels and   9,500gpm per vessel. Th e large    eff ectively remove large quantities of
        ParMax large diameter fi lter cartridges   diameter polypropylene and microfi ber   crud from the condensate water to
        off er the highest prefi ltration   pleated fi lter cartridges provide   protect expensive equipment in the
        performance for condensate polishing.   absolute retention effi  ciency and high   system, extend the life and effi  ciency of
        Together, these products can handle   dirt holding capacity with inside to   costly ion exchange resins, and reduce
        fl ow rates between 300gpm and      outside fl ow. ParMax fi lter cartridges   maintenance costs.


          Challenge    Improve condensate polishing to ensure that suspended solids and dissolved impurities in the water
                       do not critically damage expensive power plant components including boilers, steam generators,
                       and turbines. Improperly treated process streams also increase boiler blow down frequency, reduce
                       heat transfer effi ciencies, and cause unexpected downtime.

          Solution     Cartridge fi lters are a valuable component in the power plant condensate polishing stream.
                       Parker’s ParMax fi lter vessels and large diameter cartridges effectively remove solids which ensure
                       adequately polished condensate and effi cient ion exchange within demineralizer beds.

          Results      Improving the effi ciency of condensate polishing systems reduces the frequency of replenishing ion
                       exchange resins thus reducing maintenance costs, unexpected downtime, while improving plant
                       wide system performance.

        © 2012 Parker-Hannifi n Corporation                                                   MP_PG_Condensate Polishing  Rev. A
        domnick hunter Process Filtration - N.A.
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