Page 4 - Parker - ParMax Filter Vessel
P. 4
ParMax Filter Vessel
For High-Flow Capacity
Maximum Operating Conditions
Material of Max. Allowable Pressure Max. Allowable Temp.
Construction (psi @ MAT °F) (MAT) (°F @ MAP psi)
Carbon Steel 150 psi (10.3 bar) 250° (121° C)
Carbon Steel 300 psi (20.7 bar) 250° (121° C)
304L Stainless Steel 150 psi (10.3 bar) 250° (121° C)
304L Stainless Steel 300 psi (20.7 bar) 250° (121° C)
316L Stainless Steel 150 psi (10.3 bar) 250° (121° C)
316L Stainless Steel 300 psi (20.7 bar) 250° (121° C)
Ordering Information
Code Material Design Cartridge Cartridge Vessel Optimal Inlet/Outlet Finish
Qty. Length (in.) Orientation Inlet/Outlet Connection Type
ParMax Carbon U ASME Code C Painted
PX C Size (in.)
Vessel Steel 01 1 40 40" H Horizontal F ANSI 150 lb. fl ange
B Glass Bead Blast
03 3"
304L 03 3 60 60" V Vertical* H ANSI 300 lb. fl ange
G Stainless 04 4" P Passivated
05 5
Steel *60" vertical not 06 6" F=150 PSI vessel design C is valid for carbon steel
07 7 recommended. H=300 PSI vessel design design only.
316L 08 8"
S Stainless 08 8 B & P are valid for
Steel 12 12 10 10" stainless steel design only.
12 12"
15 15
14 14"
19 19
16 16"
18 18"
© 2010 Parker-Hannifi n Corporation ParMax is a registered trademark of Parker-Hannifi n Corporation
Process Advanced Filtration Division SPEC-PX Vessel 7/10
All Rights Reserved
Specifi cations are subject to change without notifi cation.
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