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Microfi ltration Products

        Engineered for Microelectronic Applications

                                       Available                 Optional
         Product line                                Ratings                 Typical Applications
                                     Configurations              Features
                                                    0.03, 0.05,              •   Critical fi ltration of aggressive acids, bases,
         FLUOROFLOW ®                   Cartridge    0.1, 0.2,   S  U  XL XF   strippers, and solvents
         100% Fluoropolymer construction
                                                     0.45, 1.0               •  Available for high temperature applications
                                                                             •   Encapsulated fi lter for critical fi ltration of
         FLUOROCAP ®                                                           aggressive chemicals and process fl uids under
         100% All-welded fl uoropolymer
                                        Capsule     0.03, 0.05,   S  U  XL XF  harsh conditions where potential contamination
         construction capsules
                                                     0.1, 0.2                  during cartridge change out is a concern
                                                                             •  Available for high temperature applications
         CHEMFLOW  (PE, SELECT, & XF)               0.03, 0.05,              •  Filtration of UHP solvents, acids, and dilute
         PTFE membrane | High density   Cartridge   0.1, 0.2, 1.0  S  XF       alkaline chemistries
         polyethylene structure
                                                    0.02, 0.04,
         CLARIFLOW ®                    Cartridge
         Polyethersulfone (PES) membrane |   Mini-Capsule  0.1, 0.2,   S     •   Aqueous based chemicals; recirculating etch
         polypropylene structure      Mini-Cartridge  0.45, 0.65,              baths; UPW systems
         PROFLOW  II                    Cartridge   0.03, 0.05,              •   Ultrapure chemicals and gas processing;
         PTFE membrane | Polypropylene   Mini-Capsule  0.1, 0.2,   S           photochemical processing
                                      Mini-Cartridge  0.45, 1.0              •  Bulk chemical distribution
                                                                             •  Acids & bases
         PROFLOW -HE                                 0.05, 0.1,   S
         Pleated hydrophilic PTFE       Cartridge  0.2, 0.5, 1.0,            •  Extraction/crystallization solvents
                                                                             •  Hot ultra-high purity deionized water
         membrane | Polypropylene structure          3.0, 10.0
                                                                             •  Solvent fi ltration
         POLYFLOW  MEMBRANE                         0.04, 0.07,   S          •   Filtration of photochemicals & ultrapure
         Polypropylene nominal rated    Cartridge    0.1, 0.2                  chemicals
         membrane | Polypropylene structure                                  •  Gas fi ltration
         POLYFLOW ®                     Cartridge  0.6, 1.2, 2.5,            •  DI water prefi ltration
         Polypropylene absolute rated depth   Mini-Capsule  5.0, 10.0,       •  Solvent and gas prefi ltration
         media | Polypropylene structure  Mini-Cartridge  20.0, 40.0         •  General fi ltration

                SELECT Pleating            Ultraclean                XL                         XF
         The revolutionary SELECT   Ultraclean is a proprietary   XL technology provides maximum  XF is a unique high fl ux
         technology can improve     process applied to electronics   fl ow rate and lifetime. It combines   membrane technology. It
         and lower the costs of wafer   grade products. It provides a   SELECT technology with a larger   provides superior fl ow over
         processing. Imagine: up to 80%   total metals extractables level   diameter cartridge (3.25˝) for the   traditional cartridges by utilizing
         more effective fi ltration area – with   of <5ppb. Ultraclean’s low level   highest fl ows in the industry.  an asymmetric PTFE membrane.
         twice the throughput. All of this   of metals extractables provides             XF cartridges offer up to
         with particle retention of >99.99%   users with a highly consistent             three times the fl ow rate and
         from a cleanroom manufactured   manufacturing process and very                  throughput at lower differential
         and tested product.        low product reject rates.                            pressure.
               SELECT Pleating


              Standard Pleating
        Specifi cations are subject to change without notifi cation.                              © 2012 Parker-Hannifi n Corporation
        For User Responsibility Statement, see                    domnick hunter Process Filtration - North America
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