Page 8 - Paker - Medium Duty Hydraulic Cylinders
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Catalog HY08-1130-4/NA                            Medium Duty Hydraulic Cylinders
                                                              Series 3L

                                              From new system design to          Worldwide Supplier to
                                              improvements required for          Industrial Markets
                                              existing applications, Parker      Parker Hannifin is the world’s
                                              offers unparalleled engineering    leading supplier of motion
                                              expertise. We’ll help you develop   and control technologies
                                              cost saving, high performance      that include; motion control
                                              solutions that provide value       products, systems, and complete
                                              through increased productivity,    engineered solutions for industrial
                                              improved machine efficiency, and   markets. Parker’s broad and
                                              reduced downtime.                  extensive breadth of product
            With annual sales exceeding
            $13 billion in fiscal year 2012,   Our design engineers utilize the
            Parker Hannifin is the world’s    highest quality materials and
            leading diversified manufacturer   cutting edge manufacturing
            of motion and control technol-    processes available to push the
            ogies and systems, providing      envelope for performance, value
            precision-engineered solutions for   and reliability.
            a wide variety of mobile, industrial  Parker components and systems
            and aerospace markets. The        are made to last. We offer
            company employs approximately     complete system solutions for
            60,000 people in 48 countries     the following industries:
            around the world. Parker has
            increased its annual dividends     • Plastics
            paid to shareholders for 56        • Metal Forming
            consecutive fiscal years, among    • Steel
            the top five longest-running       • Press
            dividend-increase records in
            the S&P 500 index. For more        • Off Shore Oil
            information, visit the company’s   • Forestry
            website at, or
            its investor information website at   • Mining
                     • Entertainment

            Parker is Engineering              • Flight Simulation
            Fluid Power and application        • Fatigue Testing
            expertise provide customers the    • Automation                      offer single source capability
            opportunity to use us as an                                          with limitless possibilities. Our
            extension of their design teams.                                     industrial product solutions
                                                                                 range from state of the art
                                                                                 stand-alone components to
                                                                                 complete engineered systems
                                                                                 that are designed to provide
                                                                                 value and efficiency to all of our
                                                                                 customers. Each component
                                                                                 and system is backed up with
                                                                                 superior application expertise and
                                                                                 technical support that you would
                                                                                 expect from Parker Hannifin.

                                                             VI                        Parker Hannifin Corporation
                                                                                       Industrial Cylinder Division
                                                      Des Plaines, Illinois
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