Page 3 - Parker - Hydraulic Cartridge System (Threaded Cartridge Valves and Integrated Hydraulic Products)
P. 3

Catalog HY15-3502/US                              Threaded Cartridge Valves and
                                                                     Integrated Hydraulic Products

                   PLEASE READ

                                         How to use this catalog...

                   • Product Index                                                    Catalog HY15-3502/US  Check Valves
                                                                                            SERIES  CAVITY  DESCRIPTION  FLOW  PRESSURE  PAGE NO.
                                                                                                           LPM/GPM  BAR/PSI
                     Each product tab has it’s own product index for that particular        STANDARD CHECKS           Check  Valves
                                                                                            D1A060 ............ 2U ............... Check Valve Insert, Ball Type.........................145/38 ...... 420/6000 ......................CV5  SH
                     section. Basic product specifications are shown along with catalog     D1B125 ............ 2C ............... Check Valve Insert, Ball Type...................... 500/132 ...... 420/6000 ......................CV6  Shuttle  Valves
                                                                                            D0WB2 ............. CAV0W-2 .... Cartridge Check, Ball Type.............................3.5/0.9 ...... 420/6000 ......................CV7
                                                                                            D02B2 .............. C08-2 .......... Cartridge Check, Ball Type...............................45/12 ...... 420/6000 ......................CV8
                                                                                            CVH081P .......... C08-2 .......... Cartridge Check, Poppet Type .........................38/10 ...... 350/5000 ......................CV9
                     page numbers and product symbols. Further detail can be found          CVH103P .......... C10-2 .......... Cartridge Check, Poppet Type .........................60/16 ...... 350/5000 ....................CV10  Load/Motor LM
                                                                                            D04B2 .............. C10-2 .......... Cartridge Check, Ball Type.............................160/42 ...... 420/6000 ....................CV11
                                                                                            CVH121P .......... C12-2 .......... Cartridge Check, Poppet Type .......................121/32 ...... 350/5000 ....................CV12  Controls
                     on the specific catalog pages.                                         D06B2P ............ C16-2 .......... Cartridge Check, Poppet Type .......................280/74 ...... 420/6000 ....................CV13  FC
                                                                                            CVH161P .......... C16-2 .......... Cartridge Check, Poppet Type .......................226/60 ...... 350/5000 ....................CV14
                                                                                            CVH201P .......... C20-2 .......... Cartridge Check, Poppet Type .......................303/80 ...... 350/5000 ....................CV15
                                                                                            CVH104P .......... C10-2 .......... Cartridge Check, Poppet Type  Flow  Controls
                                                                                            .............................................. 2 to 1 Flow Path ................................................19/5 ...... 350/5000 ....................CV16
                                                                                            D06C2 .............. C16-2 .......... Cartridge Check, Poppet Type
                                                                                            .............................................. 2 to 1 Flow Path ......................................... 500/132
                                                                                            PILOT OPERATED CHECKS
                                                                                            CP084P ............ C08-3 ..........
                   • Technical Tips                                                   Catalog HY15-3502/US  Check Valves
                                                                                      Technical Tips
                     At the beginning of each product section, we have a series of  Valves  Check  This technical tips section is designed to help familiarize you with the Parker line of Check Valves. In this section
                                                                                      we present the products that are new to this catalog as well as some design features of our checks valves. In
                                                                                    SH  addition, we present common options available to help you in selecting products for your application.
                                                                                      Finally we give a brief synopsis of the operation and applications of the various product offered in this section.
                     Technical Tip pages. These pages describe, in detail, the      Valves  Shuttle
                                                                                      NEW PRODUCTS:
                     application and operational parameters of our cartridge valves. If  LM  There are several new additions and product improvements to our Check Valve product line.
                                                                                      Here are just some of the general design features and advantages
                     you have any application or specification questions that cannot be  FC  to the “Winner’s Circle” check valve.
                                                                                                Dual Sense Paths  Spherical Poppets
                     answered by this section, please contact your local Parker     Controls  Flow  The dual sense paths reduce  The spherical design allows for a
                                                                                                           more consistent seating regardless
                                                                                                the pressure drop variations.
                                                                                    PC                     of poppet alignment resulting in
                                                                                                           lower leakage.
                     representative or give us a call.                              Controls  Pressure
                   • Product Pages                                                    Catalog HY15-3502/US  Check Valve
                                                                                                     Series CVH103P
                                                                                      Technical Information
                                                                                      General Description
                     The individual product catalog pages detail fully the product    Cartridge Style Check Valve. For  Check  Valves
                                                                                      additional information see Technical
                                                                                      Tips on pages CV1-CV4.          SH
                     specifications and operating parameters of each valve. Additionally,  Features
                                                                                      • Spherical poppet for low leakage  Shuttle  Valves
                     dimensional information, as well as a complete model code for    • “D”-Ring eliminates back-up rings
                                                                                      • Dual sense paths for reduced P
                                                                                      • All external parts zinc plated  Load/Motor LM Controls
                     ordering product is shown.                                                                       FC
                                                                                      Performance Curve
                                                                                      Pressure Drop vs. Flow (Through cartridge only)  Controls
                                                                                                                      Pressure  Controls
                                                                                                      Dimensions Millimeters (Inches)
                   • Coil and Body                                                    Catalog HY15-3502/US  Super Coil
                                                                                                     Series 5/8 I.D.
                                                                                      Technical Information
                     There are 2 sections in this catalog that assist you in selecting  Valves  Check  • Integral Deutsch connector coil exceeds IP69K
                                                                                    SH  • Integral Deutsch connector coil thermal shock dunk test
                     the proper valve body or solenoid coil for your particular     Valves  Shuttle  • Integral Amp Jr. coil exceeds IP67 standards for thermal
                                                                                       shock, water resistance and “dunk capability”
                                                                                      • Universal 50/60 Hz operation
                     application. Also, the cavity details are shown for all Parker  LM  • Coil hermetically sealed, requires no O-rings or
                                                                                       waterproofing kits
                                                                                      • External plated steel flux-carrying band (unlike  Ordering Information
                                                                                       encapsulated band) enables coil to withstand severe
                     and Sterling cavities currently in use.                        FC  thermal shocks without cracking
                                                                                      • Symmetrical coil can be reversed without
                                                                                       affecting performance  CA
                                                                                      Specifications   Super Coil  Wattage  Voltage  Termination
                                                                                                       5/8 I.D.
                                                                                       Coil Type  S  Standard  Code Wattage
                                                                                            P  Puissant
                                                                                                       S  Standard
                                                                                       Nominal Wattage  S  18 Watts  P  Puissant
                                                                                       (See Ordering  P  28 Watts
                                                                                                       Code  Voltage
                                                                                                            Watts  Amps  Ohms**
                   • Technical Data                                                   Catalog HY15-3502/US  Standard Bodies and Cavities
                                                                                    CV  Technical Information  10 Size, 2-Way
                                                                                      Valve/Cavity Compatibility  Dimensions Millimeters (Inches)
                     The Technical Data section outlines various hydraulic guidelines  Valves  Check  For additional information see Technical  -A-
                                                                                      Tips on pages BC1-BC6.
                                                                                    SH       VALVE      2.92 (.115)  18.08 (.712)
                                                                                                             17.83 (.702)
                     such as ratings, torques, limitations in use, seals, and hydraulic  Valves  Shuttle  7/8 14UNF-2B  2.54 (.100)  Ø 11.30 (.445)
                                                                                                        .79 (.031)
                                                                                                     (.002) B
                                                                                                               1.59 (.062) R.
                     fluid/filtration information.                                  LM      Winner’s Circle  Parker  Waterman  FPS  CEC  45°  30°
                                                                                                       Ø 20.57 (.810)
                                                                                        Winner’s Circle X  X  X  X  X  Ø 30.16  Ø 20.68 (.814)  63  Ø 15.47 (.609)
                                                                                        CAVITY  FPS  X  X  X  Ø 24.05 (.947)  .25 (.010) R.  Ø 15.88 (.625)
                                                                                    FC  Parker  X X  X X  X X   Ø 15.93 (.627)
                                                                                                       15° 63
                                                                                                                  (.001) A
                                                                                        CEC  X  X  X  Ø 23.93 (.942)  16.00 (.630)  -B-
                                                                                                        15.75 (.620)
                                                                                    PC                     23.93 (.942)
                                                                                                           23.67 (.932)
                                                                                      Performance Curve    33.32 (1.312) Min.
                                                                                      Pressure Drop vs. Flow
                                                                     III                       Parker Hannifin Corporation
                                                                                               Hydraulic Cartridge Systems
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