Page 1 - Parker - Metalworking
P. 1
Can Coolant/Lubricant
Market Application Publication
Metal Cans are prevalent in the world.
There are many manufacturing sites
worldwide, about 70 in North America.
A typical site produces approximately
4 to 8 million cans per day, supplying
the soft drink and beer market. The
basic application is the filtration of the
coolant / lubricant used in the “body
makers” for the formation of the cans.
Filtration to this point has been done
through vertical, indexing roll media
filter presses. A typical installation
has a bypass loop that is utilized
when the roll media is being indexed
or changed. These bypass filters are
typically multi-cartridge vessels and
handle approximately 500 GPM.
Contact Information: Challenge:
Parker Hannifin Corporation Some of the problems and 2. Downtime
Process Advanced Filtration effects that are encountered Bypass condition (no
2340 Eastman Avenue with the roll media systems filtration)
Oxnard, California, USA 93030 are: Lost production
Toll Free: +1 877 784 2234 1. Insufficient filtration levels 3. Labor intensive filtration
Phone: +1 805 604 3400 Short tool life maintenance
Fax: +1 805 604 3401 Frequent rework of tooling Added cost of maintenance
Higher levels of defective cans