Page 19 - Parker - Ethernet Powerlink
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Other ACR-Related Parker Products
Human Machine Interface Rotary and Linear Motors
Parker’s range of HMI solutions Parker offers a complete line of
include cost-effective, dedicated motor products meeting a broad
HMI panels as well as flexible range of application needs.
Industrial PC’s running Parker Trilogy’s linear motors
Windows® based InteractX HMI offer industry-leading solutions
software. Connectivity to the for both ironcore and
ACR is supported via EtherNet/ ironless technologies.
IP. Application development is The wide range of rotary
simplified by programming in a servo motors includes the high-
familiar environment, including torque MPP Series, the smooth/
support for OPC, ActiveX and high-inertia SM Series and the
Visual Basic. cost-effective BE Series.
Positioning Tables
Parker offers the widest range of
precision mechanical actuators
in the industry. The 400XR
series of modular linear
positioners is available in an
unrivaled array of sizes, features
and options. Single- and multi-
axis systems combine with
the unique ACR features for
performance and value.
Gantry Control: LOCK feature of
The modular Parker I/O System ACR offers outstanding control
(PIO) is a convenient and flexible of linear motor gantry systems. A
product for connecting field dedicated feedback loop monitors
devices to an ACR. The PIO and corrects the position of the
communicates with the controller parallel axes to maintain precise
via CANopen. A wide variety of alignment.
digital and analog modules are
• Opto-Isolated
• Compact, DIN-rail mount
• Easy to install and expand
• Safe, reliable contacting Ballscrew Compensation: Use
• Different voltages can the error map data provided
be combined with a precision grade XR table
• Error and to improve accuracy with the
status LEDs powerful yet easy-to-use ACR
compensation feature.
Parker Hannifin Corporation • Electromechanical Automation Division • 800-358-9070 • 19