Page 4 - Parker - Fulflo Honeycomb Filter Cartridges
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Fulfl o  Honeycomb  Cartridges

          Specifi cations

          Nominal Removal Ratings:             n Wound Cartridge Baked Glass Fiber Nominal Micrometer Ratings
            n  @ 90% effi ciency from              Cartridge                        Compressed
              0.5µm to 150μm
                                                  Designation      Liquids         Air and Gases
          Maximum Recommended                       K5B           100 - 150            100+
          Operating Conditions:                     K5R            75 - 100             10
            n  Change Out P: 30psi (2.1bar)        K6R                 40               7
            n  P @ Ambient Temperature: 60psi      K8R                 30               5
              (4.1bar)                              K10R                20               3
            n  Flow Rate: 10gpm (38 lpm) per        K12R                15               1
              10 in length                          K15R                10              <1
            n  Temperature (See table below)        K19R                 5              <1
                                                    K23R                 3              <1
          Dimensions:                               K27R                 1              <1
            n 1 in ID x 2  ⁄ 16 OD                  K39R                 0.5            <1
            n 3 in to 50 in lengths
                                               Note: All glass cartridges have standard glass core cover.
          n Maximum Operating Temperature @ 35psid

            Cartridge        Metal            Polypropylene     Glass-Filled
            Material         Core             Core              Polypropylene
             Cotton          250°F (121°C)    120°F (49°C)      —
            Glass            750°F (402°C)    —                 —
             Nylon           275°F (135°C)    120°F (49°C)      —
             Polypropylene   200°F  (93°C)    120°F (49°C) †    200°F (93°C)
             Polyester       275°F (135°C)    120°F (49°C)      —
             Rayon           250°F (121°C)    120°F (49°C)      —
          Note: Refer to Material Selection Guide for additional compatibility information.

         Ordering Information
                                                                                    –          –

           1R 6\PERO   &RWWRQ  )'$     5               No Symbol = Tinned Steel  No Symbol = No Cover  None = DOE (without gaskets)  None = Std. DOE  Z = Individual Poly bag
           (   )'$ *UDGH 5D\RQ    5                A = Polypropylene  B  =  Nylon   DO = DOE (With Gaskets)   A = Poly foam  TIS = Tissue Wrap
           .   %DNHG *ODVV )LEHU    5              A3 = Glass-Filled   V = Nonwoven Polyester   TC = 222/Closed   E = EPR
           0   )'$ *UDGH     5                     Polypropylene  W = Cellulosic Paper   OB = Std. Open End/Polypro  N = Buna-N
           3RO\SURS\OHQH     5                     G = 304 Stainless Steel  Y  = Polypropylene  Spring Closed End  S = Silicone
                                                   S = 316 Stainless Steel
                                                                                                  V  = Viton®
           1   1\ORQ  )'$      5                   SR = Passivated 316 SS         TF = 222/Fin
           5   5D\RQ         5                     (Special Order)                SC = 226/Closed
                                                                                  SF = 226/Fin
           6   3RO\HVWHU  )'$     5                                               XA = Polypro Extender
           7   ,QGXVWULDO *UDGH     5                                             XB = Ex.Core Open End/
           3RO\SURS\OHQH     5                                                    Polypro Spring Closed End
           8   1DWXUDO &RWWRQ    5                     1RPLQDO &DUWULGJH 'LDPHWHU  XC = Extended Metal
           8.   8QEDNHG *ODVV )LEHU    5                                          TX = 222/Flex fin
           :&   :KLWH &RWWRQ    5                 1R 6\PERO     LQ ,' [        LQ 2'
                             5                              LQ ,' [         LQ 2'  (QG 7UHDWPHQW
                                                         LQ ,' [       LQ 2'  No Symbol = No Treatment
                                                            DQG    LQ     D = Sodium Silicate
                                                     OHQJWK RQO\  IRU )XOIOR  L = Lacquer
                                                     /7* DQG $PHWHN®      M = Singed
                                                     %LJ %OXH 9HVVHOV

         Specifi cations are subject to change without notifi cation.                              © 2009 Parker Hannifi n
         Viton is a registered trademark of E.I. DuPont de Nemours & Co., Inc.                   Process Advanced Filtration
                                                                                                 All Rights Reserved
                                                                                                 SPEC-C1000 08/09

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