Page 2 - Parker - Fulflo TruBind 400 Cartridges
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Fulflo TruBind 400 Cartridges
Specifications Technology Performance
Unlike competitive technologies in which TruBind absorbent cartridge efficiency de-
Materials of Construction: hydrocarbons are removed through surface pends upon the residence time of the
Absorbent: Proprietary polymer adsorption onto the medium, TruBind fluid within the cartridge, which is a function
Support Construction: 100% polyolefin cartridges utilize a proprietary modified of the volumetric flow rate.
Seal Material: Polyethylene Foam polymer that both absorbs and chemically 1. Hydrocarbon Removal Efficiency: At
binds the hydrocarbon molecules into its in- an equivalent flow rate of 3.0 gpm per
Cartridge Dimensions (nominal) terior matrices. The affinity of the polymeric 10-inch cartridge the TruBind cartridge
Lengths: absorbent for hydrocarbon contaminant typically reduces trace hydrocarbon
9-13/16 in (249mm) is so great that accelerated testing by the contaminant in excess of 95% in single
19-15/16 in (506mm) Toxic Characteristics Leachate Procedure pass mode. This efficiency level can be
Outside Diameter: (TCLP) indicated the effluent hydrocar- maintained only to a net differential pres-
4-1/2 in (114 mm) bon level in water to be below current and sure of 10 psi. Series or multipass filtra-
Inside Diameter: proposed EPA limits. The modified polymer tion can virtually eliminate hydrocarbon
1-1/16 in (27 mm) was formulated to control the speed of contamination.
hydrocarbon absorption by eliminating the 2. Hydrocarbon Absorbent Capacity: The
Maximum Recommended Operating
potential for skin formation at the polymer/ TruBind cartridge medium has the poten-
Temperature: hydrocarbon interface. Consequently this tial to remove up to 500 grams (approxi-
150°F (65°C) @20 psid (1.4 bar); polymer, when incorporated into a radial- mately one pint) of low density hydro-
flow-design cartridge, insures maximum
carbon contaminant. On this basis, the
180°F (82°C) @10 psid (0.7 bar)
utilization of surface area. The nature of table below provides expected life data in
the polymer makes it an effective absor- hours or gallons at several trace contami-
40 psid (2.8 bar) @ 75°F (24°C)
Flow Rate: bent for free, emulsified and dissolved oils, nant levels based on a 3.0 gpm flow rate
3.0 gpm per 10-inch cartridge synthetic lubricants, grease and a multitude per 10-inch cartridge. Absorbent capacity
Changeout Pressure Drop (net): of organic solvents. will decrease as density of hydrocarbon
10 psi (0.7 bar)
Flow Factor: 3. Flow Rate Capability: A maximum
0.1 psid per 1 gpm at 1 cks viscosity flow rate of 3.0 gpm per 10-inch length
cartridge is recommended for the most
per 10 in cartridge
effective removal of trace hydrocarbon
pH Range: 2 - 12
The TruBind cartridge is classified
as non-hazardous and incinerable.
Disposal must be dictated by local Hydrocarbon Concentration Hydrocarbon Estimated Gallons Estimated Cost
Life in Fluid per Gallon
Removal per
regulations pertaining to the absorbed
(ppm) (% by Weight) Minute (grams) Hours Treated of Treated
contaminant. Fluid
Recommended Vessels: 10 .001 0.11 80.0 14,400 $ .002
Parker LTG10 and LTG20 polymeric 100 .01 1.10 8.0 1,400 $ .025
vessels and equivalent competitive 1,000 .1 11.00 0.8 144 $ .24
Ordering Information
Cartridge Code Outside Diameter Cartridge Length Support Core Seal Material
TruBind Cartridge Code in mm Code in mm A = Standard Wall DO = Double-Open-End A
4 4-1/2 114 10 9-13/16 249 Polypropylene Core (gasket seal) Gasket (standard for
20 19-15/16 506 DO seal design)
Specifications are subject to change without notification. © 2007 Parker Hannafin
Process Advanced Filtration Inc.
All Rights Reserved
SPEC-C8510-Rev. A 01/08