Page 2 - Parker - Microfiltration products
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Microfiltration Products
Engineered for Microelectronic Applications
Filter SELECT*
Product line Ratings and Typical Applications
(microns) Ultraclean
FLUOROFLOW ® 0.03, 0.05, S U XF • Critical filtration of aggressive acids,
100% Fluoropolymer Construction Cartridge 0.1, 0.2, bases, strippers, and solvents
0.45, 1 XL • Available for high temperature applications
FLUOROCAP ® S U XF • Encapsulated filter for critical filtration of
100% Fluoropolymer Construction aggressive chemicals and process
Capsules Capsule 0.03, 0.05, XL fluids under harsh conditions where the
0.1, 0.2 introduction of contamination during
cartridge change out is a concern
• Available for high temperature applications
CHEMFLOW PE & XF S XF • Purification of photoresists, chemicals
PTFE Membrane / High Density Cartridge 0.03, 0.05, and etch baths
Polyethylene Structure 0.1, 0.2, 1 • Filtration of solvents, cleaning solutions
CLARIFLOW ® Cartridge 0.02, 0.04, S • Aqueous based chemicals; recirculating
Polyethersulfone (PES) Membrane / Mini-Capsule 0.1, 0.2, etch baths; UPW systems
Mini Polypropylene Structure Mini-Cartridge 0.45, 0.65,
PROFLOW II ® Cartridge 0.03, 0.05, S • Ultrapure chemicals and gas
PTFE Membrane / Polypropylene / Mini-Capsule 0.1, 0.2, processing; photochemical processing
Mini Structure Mini-Cartridge 0.45, 1 • Bulk chemical distribution
POLYFLOW MEMBRANE 0.04, 0.07, S • Filtration of photochemicals and
Polypropylene Nominal Rated Cartridge 0.1, 0.2 ultrapure chemicals
Membrane / Polypropylene Structure • Gas filtration
POLYFLOW ® Cartridge 0.6, 1.2, 2.5, • DI water prefiltration
Polypropylene Absolute Rated Depth Mini-Capsule 5, 10, 20, 40 • Solvent and gas prefiltration
Media / Polypropylene Structure Mini-Cartridge • General filtration
*Patent pending
S SELECT Technology U Ultraclean Technology XF XF Technology XL XL Technology
S The revolutionary SELECT technology filter U Ultraclean technology leads the microelec- XF XF is a revolutionary membrane
cartridges can improve and lower the costs tronics industry in cleanliness. Ultraclean is technology. It provides superior flow over
of wafer processing. Imagine: up to 80% a proprietary process applied to electronics traditional cartridges by utilizing an asym-
more effective filtration area – with twice grade products. It provides a total metals metric PTFE membrane. XF cartridges
the throughput. All of this with a particle extractables level of <5ppb. Ultraclean’s offer up to three times the flow rate and
retention of >99.99% from a product that is low level of metals extractables provides throughput at lower differential pressure.
cleanroom manufactured and tested. users with a highly consistent manufactur-
ing process and very low product reject
XL XL technology provides maximum flow rate rates.
and lifetime. It combines SELECT technol-
ogy with a larger diameter cartridge (3.25")
for the highest flows in the industry.
Parker Hannifin Corporation is committed to provide the highest quality product to our customers. To this end, our ISO 9001:2000
certified Quality System ensures that this occurs. At Parker Hannifin Corporation, we do our best to resolve all quality issues in a quick
and timely manner. In addition, we strive to eliminate problems before they are seen. By taking this continuously proactive approach to
the quality of all of our products, Parker Hannifin Corporation has the best product on the market at all times.
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