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Catalog HY15-3502/US
                   Technical Information                             Technical Data

                   SEAL MATERIAL SELECTION                             Thus, the “D”-Ring outperforms standard polyurethane
                                                                       o-rings, especially when using high water content fluids
                   You should match the seal compatibility to the tem-
                                                                       at elevated temperatures. The “D”-Ring is compatible  Check  Valves
                   perature and fluid being used in your application.
                                                                       with most water-glycol, water/oil emulsions, and high
                   Parker offers three seal materials to meet your applica-                                                SH
                                                                       grade petroleum based hydraulic fluids at tempera-
                   tion requirements. Parker’s standard material is a 4301
                                                                       tures between -45°C to +93°C (-50°F to +200°F)
                   Polyurethane RESILON™ material “D”-Ring. We also
                   offer Fluorocarbon and Nitrile seals. A brief synopsis of  The unique shape of the Parker “D”-Ring also provides  Shuttle  Valves
                   each seal material is given below to help you choose  a variety of design advantages. The seal is molded into
                   the best seal for your application.                 a “D” shape where the seal is higher in the middle and  LM
                                                                       lower on the ends. This prevents the seal edge from
                   “D”-Ring (4301 Polyurethane RESILON™ Material)                                                            Load/Motor
                                                                       folding over on a corner inside the manifold during    Controls
                   The “D”-Ring is the standard seal material on the
                                                                       installation. In addition, this design has a minimal lip,
                   Winner’s Circle threaded cartridge valves. The “D”-
                                                                       thus, friction is reduced. Another unique feature of the  FC
                   Ring is molded of a special 4301 Polyurethane
                                                                       “D”-Ring is its symmetrical design, resulting in no
                   RESILON™. Polyurethane materials exhibit better
                                                                       performance degradation from the reverse direction, or
                   wear resistance and tensile strength than standard                                                         Controls
                                                                       worry of backward installation. The “D”-Ring is also  Flow
                   Nitrile or Fluorocarbon material. In addition, it has an
                                                                       equipped with “pressure pedestals” to reduce the
                   excellent resistance to compression set. This in-                                                       PC
                                                                       effects of “blow-by” common in reverse cycling. The pres-
                   creased strength eliminates the need for back-rings
                                                                       sure pedestals increase the sealing capability of the
                   and simplifies installation.
                                                                       “D”-Ring, by reducing the radial pressure forces that  Pressure  Controls
                   The 4301 compound is a Parker exclusive material    compress the sealing face of the o-ring. The drawing
                   designed to prevent hydrolysis at high temperatures.  below depicts the shape and highlights the features.  LE
                                          No Backup Rings                           4301 RESILON™ Material                   Logic  Elements
                                          The increased wear resistance and         Specially designed Parker exclusive
                                          strength of polyurethane eliminates       4301 Polyurethane RESILON™
                                          the need for backup rings, thus           prevents hydrolosis better than other  DC
                                                                                                                             Directional  Controls
                                          minimizing installation issues.           polyurethane materials.


                                                                                                                             Manual  Valves
                   “D” Shape
                   Unique “D” shape provides
                   sealing in the critical areas  Pressure Pedestals                                 Reduced Lip           SV
                   while reducing the chance   Specially molded pressure                             The unique shape reduces
                   of a seal being cut during  pedestals help reduce the                             the lip and thus the amount
                                                                                                                             Solenoid  Valves
                   manifold installation.      effects of “blow-by”                                  of wear due to friction.
                   Nitrile                                             Fluorocarbon                                        PV
                   Nitrile o-rings are also compatible with most water-  Fluorocarbon o-rings are compatible with most phos-
                   glycol, water/oil emulsions, and high grade petroleum  phate ester fluids and phosphate ester blends. Parker  Proportional
                   based hydraulic fluids. Parker only recommends Nitrile  only recommends Fluorocarbon seals for temperatures  Valves
                   o-rings for temperatures between -40°C to +93°C     between -32°C to +121°C (-25°F to +250°F). Fluoro-
                   (-40°F to +200°F). Nitrile o-rings do require a full back-  carbon o-rings do require a full back-up ring, or two  CE
                   up ring, or two half back-ups.                      half back-ups.
                                                                                                                             Coils &  Electronics

                                                                                                                             Bodies &  Cavities

                                                                                                                             Technical  Data

                                                                    TD2                        Parker Hannifin Corporation
                                                                                               Hydraulic Cartridge Systems
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