Page 21 - Parker - Parker Industrial Hose
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Introduction Composite petrochemical hose construction—
Composite Hose
featuring inner and outer helical wires, with layers of
fabrics, films and tubes sandwiched in-between—is
durable, economical, flexible, lightweight and
resistant to abrasion, kinking and vibration. Parker
composite hose assembly systems—using a new
generation of hose constructions, innovative dry
seal coupling technology and Parker crimping
equipment—save time and cost due to quick
fabrication, easy installation and superior long-
lasting performance.
Parker composite hose—manufactured in a state-
of-the-art production environment—is a unique
alternative to traditional rubber and metal hose, costs, delayed deliveries and inconsistent quality.
making it suitable for a wide array of petrochemical The modern Parker composite hose assembly
fluids in loading/unloading, processing, transfer and system provides sharp contrast with a performance-
transport applications. engineered, computer-controlled, high quality,
quickly delivered product. Refer to the Composite
We have also introduced an innovative dry seal Hose section of this catalog or Composite Hose
coupling technology, a transformational process that Catalog 4805 for specific product information.
reduces composite hose assembly fabrication time,
minimizes downtime and enhances the appearance
of finished assemblies. Parker composite hose dry Custom Made Hose (CMH)
seal assemblies can be supplied to the application Custom Made Hose applications are found in almost
in a fraction of the time. every industry, usually requiring special tube and
In the composite hose market, outdated designs, cover compounds or thicknesses, large inside
outmoded materials, hand-built manufacturing diameters (up to 60" ID), and built-in nipples and
technology and labor-intensive hose assembly flanges or soft cuff ends. Parker is the largest full-
fabrication processes are prevalent. The old way of service Custom Made Hose supplier in the United
doing things produces the same old results: high States, with our master manufacturing location in
Salisbury, North Carolina. We specialize in designing
and fabricating application-engineered hoses and
assemblies, relying on our extensive experience in
the art and science of hose design, engineering,
materials and production.
Our experienced hose designers determine the
unique requirements of the application and design a
hose solution suited for the specific circumstances.
Utilizing computer-controlled lathes that ensure
consistent wrap pressure and material overlap,
our master hose builders complete the project by
integrating traditional hand-built hose craftsmanship
with modern technology to fabricate an assembly
capable of performing in even the most demanding
4 Parker Industrial Hose Customer Service
866 810 HOSE (4673) 800 242 HOSE (4673)
Strongsville, OH South Gate, CA
Eastern USA Western USA