Page 2 - Parker - ToughShield (TS1000) plating for tube fittings and adapters
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Introducing the New Standard in Protection

                 Parker Fittings and Adapters Now Fight Corrosion Longer and Harder

               Get the same high-quality       many other markets that Parker   accredited Miami Valley Materials
               Parker tube fittings and adapters   serves. It causes both direct   Testing Center, Parker TS1000-
               you already trust – now with    and indirect economic losses.   plated tube fittings remained free
               ToughShield (TS1000) enhanced   Protecting fittings and adapters   of rust for up to 1,000 hours. This
               standard plating. This new      with durable, high-quality plating   is a dramatic improvement over
               ultra-resistant plating prolongs   dramatically reduces replacement   the SAE requirement of 72 hours.
               part life by up to 1,000 hours.   cost and downtime.            The independent tests also showed
               Offering unmatched corrosion                                    Parker fittings to outlast those of
               protection at no additional cost,   Parker TS1000 Fights Against:  competitors (at right).
               TS1000 withstands the harshest   •  System contamination
               operating environments, particularly
               those that promote the rapid onset   •  Potential leaks
               of red and white rust. Nothing   •  Fitting connection problems
               else is changing. Fittings and   •  Aesthetic quality concerns
               adapters have the same torque   •  Maintenance difficulty
               values, coefficient of friction,   •  Improper function of adjacent
               pressure ratings, color and       components (valves, pumps,
               other specifications. The only    cylinders)
               difference: more than the previous   •  Accelerated corrosion of
               corrosion resistance, and once again,   adjacent components     In severe marine, mining,
               exceeding the competition.                                      industrial and mobile applications,
                                               Proven Performance Increase     Parker fittings and adapters
               Reduced Cost of Ownership       TS1000 substantially extends    with TS1000 resist the formation
               Corrosion is a key concern in   equipment life. It keeps fittings   of red and white rust far longer
               severe marine, mining, industrial   and adapters looking better and   than the 72-hour SAE requirement
               and mobile applications and the   working longer. In neutral salt spray   and competitive plated fittings
                                               ASTM B117 tests conducted by    and adapters.

                                               Stop Corrosion Before it Spreads

                                               Corrosion is like a virus that infects your system. It migrates from
                                               component to component, often promoting the need for earlier and
                                               more frequent repairs to adjacent fittings and mating components.

                                               In the example shown here, not only has the straight fitting corroded,
                                               but there is also strong evidence that the corrosion is migrating to
                                               the hydraulic hose and cylinder boss. This substantially magnifies
                                               replacement or repair costs.

                                               TS1000 provides a proactive defense.
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