Page 4 - Parker - Fluoropolymer Extrusions
P. 4

Fluoropolymer Tubing


               The Parflex Division's fluoropolymer   material available. Additionally, all of   Working pressure is calculated at 73˚F
               tubing operation, located at Parker   the tubing products are made from   (23°C) using a Design Factor of 4 to 1.
      PFA    Tubing  TexLoc in Fort Worth, TX, specializes   resins and colors that are certified to   Special sizes, profiles, cut lengths and
                                                                                 minimum continuous lengths are also
               in the development and extrusion of
                                                be free of mercury, heavy metals and
      A        fluoropolymer tubing for fluid handling   other materials that are restricted in   available upon request.
                                                accordance with the RoHS directive.
               applications. These products operate
               in high temperature applications up to   In fact, the quality engineered into   Thank you for allowing us to serve
               500°F (260°C) and in cryogenic ap-  our products makes them suitable for   your fluoropolymer needs.
               plications with temperatures as low as   critical applications in the medical,
               -100°F (-75°C).                  pharmaceutical and instrumentation
               TexLoc extrusions are resistant to UV
      FEP   Tubing  radiation and moisture while offering   All of the tables in this catalog are
                                                supplied with inch and mm sizes.
               the lowest coefficient of friction of any

      PTFE    Tubing


      PVDF    Tubing                 Parflex Division                      TexLoc Facility

      D                               Ravenna, Ohio                       Fort Worth, Texas

      ETFE   Tubing         Parflex PTFE, FEP, PFA and PVDF tubing complies with European Standard RoHs
                            and are also FDA compliant to FDA regulation 21 CFR 177.1550, making these
      E                     products suitable for use in food and beverage applications.

                            Parflex PTFE, FEP and PFA are listed VW-1 in the burning test for Underwriters
                            Laboratories and pass the UL-83 vertical flame test.  In a flame situation, PTFE,
                            FEP and PFA tubing resist combustion and do not promote flame spread.
      Technical   Pages


       Index   2                                        For detailed ordering information, please consult price list or contact Parker Texloc.
     G                                     Parker Hannifin Corporation | Parflex Division, TexLoc | Fort Worth, Tx |
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