Page 1 - Parker - Steelflow Cartridges
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        Steelfl ow  Cartridges
        All-316L Stainless Steel Cartridge for

        Microfi ltration Applications

        The Steelfl ow  product line has been developed for
        microfi ltration applications requiring a cartridge that
        will tolerate extreme thermal ranges and differential
        pressures while providing an extended service life
        and excellent dirt-holding capacity.
        Steelfl ow attains its superior performance due to
        our proprietary 421  fi lter medium, composed
        of 100%, 316L random fi ber stainless steel. The
        company’s unique calendering process compresses
        the fi ber matrix to form specialized fi lter media which
        provides consistently high porosities and large
        fi ltration areas. The sintered matrix is then reinforced
        with woven wire screen to provide the mechanical
        strength necessary to withstand high differential
        pressures and exceptional fl ow characteristics. To
        further assure product quality, each cartridge is
        bubble point integrity tested.
        All other Steelfl ow components are fabricated from
        316L stainless steel which provides exceptional
        chemical and thermal resistance. Steelfl ow can be
        cleaned mechanically, chemically or thermally to
        allow cartridge reuse.
        Available in 0.5μm, 1.0μm, 5.0μm, 10μm, 20μm
        and 40μm micron ratings. Liquid particle retention is
        typically 99.0% effi cient at the stipulated pore size.

        Contact Information                 Benefi ts                             Applications

        Parker-Hannifi n Corporation        • 100% bubble point integrity tested  • Spargers
        domnick hunter                      • 316L stainless steel construction  • Cryogenics
        Process Filtration - North America  • Superior chemical compatibility    • Beverage Filtration
        2340 Eastman Avenue                 • Excellent mechanical strength      • Highly Viscous Fluids
        Oxnard, California, USA 93030       • Extended on-stream life            • Corrosive Liquids and Gases
                                            • High thermal tolerance             • Super-Heated Process Steam
        toll free +1 877 784 2234           • Regenerable                        • High Temperature Processing
        phone +1 805 604 3400                                                    • Recovery of Valuable Particulate
        fax +1 805 604 3401 ltration

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