Page 3 - Parker - Coils and Electronics
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Catalog HY15-3502/US
                   Technical Tips                                    Coils and Electronics

                   COMMON OPTIONS
                   Below are some of the common options to the Unicoil product offering.
                   Continuous Duty: Parker’s standard line of coils are  Voltages: Parker has a wide selection of coils avail-  Check  Valves
                   rated for continuous duty operation. This means the  able to meet your needs. Most coil terminations are  SH
                   coil can be left on continuously without fear of the  available with our standard voltages of 12V and 24V in
                   magnet wire insulation breakdown, when used in      DC, and 120V and 240V in AC. Voltages 6V, 10V, 18V,
                   standard climate conditions. The Unicoils and Super  36V, 48V DC and 440V AC are also available for many  Shuttle  Valves
                   Coils are made of a high quality Class N magnet wire.  termination types at a slight premium. Contact your
                   This Class N rating signifies the internal wires are  Parker representative should your application call for  LM
                   rated to 200°C (392°F).                             voltages other than our standard offering.

                   Continuous duty does not mean the coil will have the  Diodes: The Parker Coils can be ordered with a diode  Load/Motor  Controls
                   same amount of power after hours of operation as it  molded internally. Parker Unicoils use a IN5062 diode.
                   had at initial actuation. Coils do heat up during use.  The Super Coils use a IN5627 diode. Diodes are  FC
                   This internal heat rise increases the resistance of the  sometimes used to protect sensitive, downstream
                   coil and thus, decreases the current (V = IR). The  electrical components from potential surges from the
                   performance curves presented on the solenoid valve  coil. By internally molding the diode into the coil, you  Flow  Controls
                   pages are based on a coil at room temperature and   can reduce the assembly time
                   85% of voltage. Thus, when using a valve in continu-  and cost associated with                          PC
                   ous duty applications, you may need to derate the   externally wiring a diode.
                   performance. In short, the continuous duty rating   One should be careful                                 Pressure  Controls
                   signifies that while the coil will get hot during use and  not to switch the polarity
                   resistance will increase, it will not generate enough  (“+” and “-” terminals), when wiring a coil with an
                   heat to damage the coil.                            internal diode. If these terminals are switched, the first  LE
                                                                       time voltage is applied to the coil; the short circuit will
                   Terminations: Parker offers a wide variety of coil  destroy the diode and render the coil use-less. Parker  Elements
                   terminations for all coils to meet the demands of your  coils with diodes have “+” and “-” molded near the  Logic
                   application. Over the years, the dual lead wire and dual  termination outlet to help identify polarity.  DC
                   spade offerings have been popular due to their ease of
                   installation and availability. In the past few years, the  DIN Connectors: Parker does offer connectors for use
                   demand for more secure termination connections has  with the DIN style coils. As shown below, the DIN     Directional  Controls
                   increased. In addition, the integral connectors reduce  connectors are available in both rectified and non-
                   cost and improve integrity by reducing the number of  rectified forms. The cable gland versions can be  MV
                   connections. As such, the Amp Junior, Weatherpack,  ordered for type PG9 or PG11.
                   Metri-Pack, and Deutsch have increased in popularity.                                  1.57        .39
                   We offer these connectors on a lead wire coil, as well  Cable Gland                                       Manual  Valves
                   as an internally molded version of the DIN, Amp      Type  Non-Rectified  Rectified
                   Junior, and Metri-Pack coils. If you do not find your  PG9  710549-00  712126-01  1.04                  SV
                   desired coil termination in our catalog, contact your  PG11  710549-01  712126-00
                   factory sales representative. We have added a Sealed
                   Leadwire option to meet IP69K requirements yet still                               .06                    Solenoid  Valves
                   allow for other lead wire options.                                                    1.04
                   Current Types: Both direct current (DC) and alternat-                            1.04
                   ing current (AC) versions are available for the Parker                                                    Proportional
                   line of coils. The AC versions are essentially DC coils                                                    Valves
                   with a full wave rectifier integrally molded into the coil.  Conduit  Rectified  Conduit  Non-Rectified
                   The rectifiers are rated for voltage peaks up to 1000         712704-00                  710549-02      CE
                   volts maximum. For voltage transients greater than
                   1000 volts, a Harris Thyrector is recommended. The              2.45                     1.57             Coils &  Electronics
                   AC coils operate at 50/60 cycles (Hz). Since the AC
                   versions are rectified
                                                        AC Coil Assembly                    1.37                    1.04   BC
                   DC coils, there is
                   no inrush current
                   like with “true”                                                                   .06         .22        Bodies &  Cavities
                   AC coils. It                                                           .22             1.04
                   also means                                                                                              TD
                   DC coils and
                   AC coils are                                         1.06                Ø 1.00  1.04
                                       Voltage Surge                                                                         Technical
                   interchangeable.    Suppressor (Thyrector)                                                                 Data
                                                                   CE2                         Parker Hannifin Corporation
                                                                                               Hydraulic Cartridge Systems
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