Page 4 - Wieland - SamosPRO compact safety control in the network
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samos® pro
The benefits: Safety, convenience and efficiency
The modular design also enables expansion at
a later stage and therefore flexible planning
with a reduced variety of module versions. The simulation of the programmed logic enables
Easier handling and logistics. initial testing without hardware. Software errors
You only pay for what you really need. can be excluded as early as during start-up.
This saves time during the validation
of the program.
The tested outputs enable
applications up to Category 4.
The simulation of the programmed logic enables
initial testing without hardware. Software errors
can be excluded as early as during start-up. 8 ms
This saves time during the validation
of the program.
The software is available online worldwide The fast shut-off function enables a reaction
and in several languages without a license. time of 8 ms. The fast reaction time increases
You are always up-to-date, and service tech- safety and enables shorter distances (e.g.
nicians around the globe benefit both from according to EN 13855) between the sensors
this and from new functions in the future (light curtain) and the danger area.
So you also save costs and space here.
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