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Lakewood High School, 14100 Franklin Ave.
Resident $40/NR $50
Thursday: 8/14
Gigalearn,LLC - You’ve taken Word 101 or have a basic knowledge of MS Word, and you’re ready for more. Discover how to work with tables and more in this novice level class.Class Min 5/Max 15.
Word 102
Room 204
Adult Activities
Excel 202
Gigalearn,LLC - You’ve completed Excel 201 or have basic Excel knowledge and you’re ready to take the next steps. Learn how to format and lter your data in this intermediate class.Class Min 5/Max 15.
Teen Guitar and Bass
Instructor Gary Hoopengardner - Learn how to play Beatles, Hendrix and more! You will learn to strum chords, read tabs and have fun. Bring acoustic guitar or electric bass to class. Material fee of $7.50 paid to instructor on rst night of class. Class Min 1/Max 10.
Gar eld Middle School, Band Room 13114 Detroit Ave.
Word 101
Gigalearn,LLC - In this introduction to Microsoft Word, students will learn how to enter and format text, change margins and line spacing, and copy and paste text. Saving and printing will also be discussed. Prerequisite: Computers 101 or pro ciency with mouse and keyboard required. Class Min 7/Max 20.
Lakewood High School, 14100 Franklin Ave.
Resident $40/NR $50
Thursday: 8/30
Room 204 6:00pm-7:30pm
Resident $45/NR $55
Saturdays: 5/26-6/23
Instructor Gary Hoopengardner - Finally a class that will teach you the basic fundamentals of playing blues harmonica. Not only is it fun, you will learn fast! Bring a harmonica in the key of “C” to class. Material fee of $7.50 paid to instructor on rst night of class.
Class Min 1/Max 10.
Gar eld Middle School, Band Room 13114 Detroit Ave.
Resident $45/NR $55
Saturdays: 5/26-6/23
Harrison Elementary School
Tues & Thurs: 7:00 - 8:00 pm
Dance Lakewood - 15644 Madison Ave Mon & Wed: 9:30-10:30 am Mon & Wed: 6:00-7:00 pm Saturdays: 10:00-11:00 pm Phenomenal Abdominals
Mon & Wed: 9:00-9:30 am
Police Station - Community Room Mon & Wed 4:30-5:30pm, 5:45-6:45pm Mon & Wed 6-7am, Sat 8:30-9:30am Phenomenal Abdominals Mon/Wed 5:30-6 am
Fairview Village Apts.
20110 Lorain Rd., Clubhouse Tues & Thurs: 6:30-7:30 pm Tues & Thurs: 9:00-10:00 am
Wellness Center, 3035 Wooster Rd. Mon & Wed: 6:30-7:30 pm
Lakewood High School, 14100 Franklin Ave.
Resident $40/NR $50
Thursday: 8/28
Gigalearn,LLC - Microsoft Excel is a powerful tool for managing data. Learn the basics of this vital software for work and business in ths class for graduates of Word 101 or those familiar with Windows and comfortable with mouse and keyboard.Class Min 5/Max 15.
Instructor Gary Hoopengardner - We all tell stories because we all have stories to tell. But how we tell stories to children, our boss and our friends is different. Learn to be effective and creative. Material fee of $7.50 paid to instructor on rst night of class. Class Min 2/Max 12.
Gar eld Middle School, Band Room 13114 Detroit Ave.
Lakewood High School, 14100 Franklin Ave.
Resident $40/NR $50
Thursday: 8/16
Room 204 6:00pm-7:30pm
440-729-3463 WWW.FLEXCITY.COM
Excel 101
Room 204 6:00pm-7:30pm
For information & to register for classes contact
Resident $45/NR $55
Saturdays: 5/26-6/23
eBay: Buying and Selling
Gigalearn,LLC - Get cash for your clutter! Learn how to buy and sell using one of the world’s premier e-commerce sites. Please bring your email username and password. PreRequisites: Participants must be familiar with Windows, internet and email and comfortable with mouse and keyboard.Class Min 4/Max 12.
NICKIE J. ANTONIO State Representative
Ohio House District 13
O ce: 614-466-5921
77 S. High Street, 14th Floor Columbus, Ohio 43215 District phone: 216-221-4421
Lakewood High School, 14100 Franklin Ave.
Resident $36/NR $46
Thursday: 8/23
Room 204 6:00pm-7:30pm