Page 5 - Defence Wing Booklet
P. 5

                 lqjs'k izHkq                                        okf.kT; ,oa m|ksx;
            SURESH PRABHU                                           ukxj foekuu ea=kky;
                                                                  Hkkjr ljdkj] ubZ fnYyh
                                                                  COMMERCE & INDUSTRY;
                                                                      CIVIL AVIATION
                                                             GOVERNMENT OF INDIA, NEW DELHI


                   I am very pleased to note that the Directorate General of Trade Remedies
            (DGTR)  is  bringing  out  its  rst  “Handbook  of  Operating  Procedures  of  Trade
            Defence Wing”. This Handbook encapsulates the role of various stakeholders in

            trade remedial investigations against exports from India and delineates the operating
            procedures of the Trade Defence Wing of DGTR.

                   I am certain that the Handbook will faclititate all stakeholders to work in close
            coordination to defend the country's interests in trade remedial investigations. The
            operating procedures contained in this handbook shall enable DGTR to adhere to the
            strict  timelines  set  by  various  National  Investigating  Authorities  of  our  trading

                   I hope all stakeholders will nd this Handbook useful.

                                                                         (Suresh Prabhu)
                                                           Minister of Commerce & Industry
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