Page 92 - Defence Wing Booklet
P. 92


              ADD                Anti-Dumping Duty
              AFA                Adverse Facts Available
              ASCM               Agreement on Subsidies & Countervailing Measures
              AS & DA            Additional Secretary & Designated Authority
              AUL                Average Useful Life
              CBSA               Canada Border Service Agency
              CVD                Countervailing Duty
              D/o Commerce       Department of Commerce
              DGTR               Directorate General of Trade Remedies
              DGFT               Directorate General of Foreign Trade
              DGCI&S             Directorate General of Commercial Intelligence & Statistics
              DI                 Domestic Industry
              EOI                Embassy of India
              EPC                Export Promotion Council
              EU                 European Union
              FF                 Final Finding
              GATT               General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade
              GOI                Government of India
              HS                 Harmonized System
              IA                 Investigating Agency
              IEC                Importer Exporter Code
              JS (TDW)           Joint Secretary (Trade Defence Wing)
              PAN                Permanent Account Number
              POI                Period of Investigation
              PF                 Preliminary Finding
              SD                 Safeguard Duty
              SQR                Safeguard Quantitative Restrictions
              TDW                Trade Defence Wing
              TPD                Trade Policy Division
              USA                United States of America
              USDOC              Department of Commerce, USA
              WTO                World Trade Organization

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