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Manual of OP for Trade Remedy Investigations

               margin will not be on record, in such scenario it will be administratively difficult to
               accept price undertaking .
               16.93.  In the event of any violation of the undertaking or non-acceptance by
               the Central Government, the Designated Authority would make appropriate
               recommendations to the Central Government for levy of applicable anti-dumping
               duties on the basis of the information as available during the present investigation
               or as brought to the notice of the authority from appropriate sources .
               16.94.  Such Anti-Dumping duties may apply retrospectively from the date of
               violation or withdrawal of price undertaking.

               16.95.  In the event of Central Government not accepting the price undertaking,
               the Designated Authority shall separately intimate the Central Government the
               amount of Anti Dumping duty and the effective date of its levy .
              16.96.  The validity of the price undertaking would be co-terminus with the duration
              of the Anti-Dumping duties to be imposed by the Notification of the Central
              Government in this regard, and shall be subject to review as per the applicable
              provisions of the Rules.

              16.97.  The team should be careful in making every effort to issue a notification
              which is accurate and proper to obviate the issuance of corrigendum. However,
              even after taking due caution, if it is brought to the notice of the Authority by any
              of the interested party or on its own initiative that there appears a need for issuance
              of correction of an error due to any reason,the same can be considered by DG prior
              to issue of customs notification or after issue of customs notification but within a
              reasonable time;

              16.98.  The Corrigendum can only be issued for correction of inadvertent errors and
              not to cause any substantive change in the content of the notification or the issues/
              situations already dealt with in the Notification ;
               17  Final Finding in Sunset Review of Anti-dumping investigations on imports of Polytetraflouroethylene (PTFE)
              originating in or exported from China PR, Investigation No. 15/8/2010-DGAD dated July 25, 2011
               18  Final Finding in  Anti-dumping investigations on imports ofBlack and White Photographic Paper including both
              Resin coated/Fibre based from UK, France and Hungary, F No. 19/1/99-DGAD dated October 24, 2000.
               19  Final Finding in  Anti-dumping investigations on imports of Black and White Photographic Paper including both
              Resin coated/Fibre based from UK, France and Hungary, F No. 19/1/99-DGAD dated October 24, 2000
               20  Final Finding in Anti-dumping investigations on imports of Ammonium Nitrate originating in or exported from
              Russia, Indonesia, Georgia and Iran Anti-dumping investigation,F.No.14/1/2016-DGAD dated August 1, 2017.

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