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The Art of

          Photography                                                                        BUMP TO BABY                        6

          The images you see in this collection are the result of
          Venture Studios’ 22 years of experience, combining
          extensive in-house training with creative thinking,
          these being at the forefront of our culture.In fact we                             CHILDREN                            40
          train our photographers to be accredited by the British
          Institute of Professional Photography. (BIPP)

          Our photographers are passionate about working
          closely with you to create ideas unique to you and
          your family which are brought to life in your studio
          experience. From the first moment one of our team                                  GROWN-UPS                          76
          contacts you to book you in for your photographic
          session, we want you to share those important things
          about you and your family that mean the most to you.

          Our photographers will then use their imaginative
          minds and technical ability to create images that are
          truly personal to you. Once you have selected your                                 FAMILY                             108
          favourites to be combined with one of  Venture’s
          exclusive hand-crafted frames, your bespoke pieces of
          wall art will take pride of place in your home.

          Enjoy our 2020 collection and share with us which
          images really inspire you. Our photographic artists will
          then use these as a starting point to personalise your                             PETS                              136
          photographic session.

          This is The Art of Photography.

                                                                                             LUXX                              166

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