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 Military Reunion Network | FALL 2018 | #militaryreunionsmatter  Military Reunion Network | FALL 2018 | #militaryreunionsmatter



 EVERY DAY.  Approaching a veteran to shake their hand                of the Federal agencies and governmental and

          and thank them for their service and sacrifice
          is humbling, emotional and for the most part                non-governmental organizations that served
                                                                      with, or in support, of the Armed Forces.
          easy when they are standing right in front of           3)  To pay tribute to the contributions made on the
          you. Imagine being tasked with thanking every one           home front by the people of the United States
          of the 6.6 million veterans that served during the          during the Vietnam War.
          Vietnam War. This is the mission of the Vietnam
          War Commemoration. MRN sat down with VWC                4)  To highlight the advances in technology, science
          Director, General (retired) James T Jackson, and            and medicine related to military research
          Senior Advisor Brigadier General (retired) John             conducted during the Vietnam War
          P Rose in late October to talk about the history,       5)  To recognize the contributions and sacrifices
          significance, and overall mission of the program.           made by the allies of the United States during
             Congress was tasked over 10                                              the Vietnam War.
          years ago with finding a way to                                               For the next four years,
          recognize Vietnam Veterans as            This is a call to ALL              great conversation and care
          a part of the approaching 50th            Military Reunion                  was put into the creation of
          anniversary of the war. This task    Planners. We are asking                the United States of America
          was in much the same fashion                                                Vietnam War Commemoration
          as was done for the Korean War       you to connect with the
 VETERANS  D AY  PARADE                                                               and on May 25th, 2012, then
          and World War II. In January of        VWC so that they can
          2008, Congress passed a law            personally recognize,                President Barack Obama signed
                                                                                      a proclamation establishing
 14th Annual  authorizing the Secretary of       thank, and welcome                   May 28th, 2012 through
          Defense to establish a program
 Military Reunion Planners Conference  in commemoration of the 50th   home ALL of your 2019 or   November 11, 2025 as the
                                                                                      Commemoration of the 50th
 May 14-17, 2019  Anniversary. This law charged   2020 reunion attendees.             Anniversary of the Vietnam War.
          the Secretary with the task of
          coordinating, supporting and                                                The proclamation stated in part;
 For the MRPC Application or a Reunion Planner Sales Kit:  facilitating programs across the country. There are
 Julie Peters, CTIS, CEP at  five national goals.  “In recognition of a chapter in our Nation’s
                                                                     history that must never be forgotten, let us renew
          1)  To thank and honor veterans of the Vietnam             our sacred commitment to those who answered
              War, including personnel who were held as              our country’s call in Vietnam and those who
              prisoners of war or listed as missing in action,       awaited their safe return. Beginning on Memorial
              for their service and sacrifice on behalf of           Day 2012, the Federal Government will partner
              the United States and to thank and honor the           with local governments, private organizations,
              families of these veterans.                            and communities across America to participate
          2)  To highlight the service of the Armed Forces           in the Commemoration of the 50th Anniversary
              during the Vietnam War and the contributions           of the Vietnam War -- a 13-year program to

          Continued on page 7                                                                                        5

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