Page 11 - MilitaryReunionNetworkMagazineFall2018
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Military Reunion Network | FALL 2018 | #militaryreunionsmatter  Military Reunion Network | FALL 2018 | #militaryreunionsmatter

           Take the Annual Military Reunion

           Market Planner Survey

           MRN is the industry resource for the military reunion market, and we need your help.  Each year we
           capture market statistics relative to military reunions in an effort to better serve veterans and the
           hospitality industry.  We thank you in advance for taking a few moments to share your thoughts.
           Reunion Planners please complete the survey below or take the survey online. Visit the MRN website
  (click on the pop up window).   (Our Hospitality Industry Survey will be
           available in the next issue.)

           Completed surveys can be returned to:
           The Military Reunion Network 2801 Bickford Ave Suite 103-172 Snohomish WA 98290

                                Veteran/Military Reunion Planner Questions:

           1)  Branch of Service:  (circle appropriate answer)
                  Army    Navy    Air Force    Marines    Coast Guard    National Guard reunion

           2)  Our service includes the following conflicts:  (circle all that apply)
                     Korea                    Somalia                     Other:______________________
                  Cuba                        Bosnia                      Gulf War
                  Vietnam Era                 Kosovo
                  Dominican Republic          Iraq/Afghanistan
                  Lebanon/ Grenada            Panama

           3)  We meet:   (select one)
                  Annually       Even Years       Odd Years         Other__________

           4)  How many people attend your reunion on average? (select one)
                  25 or less    30-45      50      75      100      125    150    more than 150

           5)    If your reunion is small would you consider combining with another reunion?   Yes     No

           6)  Does the person in charge of planning the reunion change every year?   Yes  No

           7)     What is your preferred month to meet?    (select one)
                  January       February      March         April         May          June
                  July          August        September     October       November     December

           8)  What is your typical start day? (select one)  M   T   W   TH   F   SA   SU

           9)   Typical number of days? (select one)  1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8

                                                  Continue on the next page


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