Page 127 - DHC Budget Book 2021-22 Final
P. 127

Capital Gains
For others
2. 3.
20% with Indexation*/ 10% without indexation (for listed securities(other than units)/ zero coupon bonds)
    Sl. No.
Short Term Capital Gains Tax1
Long Term Capital Gains Tax1
        Overseas financial organizations specified in Sec. 115AB
40%(corporate) 30%(non-corporate)
                   FIIs as specified in Sec. 115AD
                   Other Foreign Companies
                 * In case of non-residents – (1) in case of shares and debentures of an Indian company – Indexation benefit shall not be available and (2) in case of any unlisted securities/shares of a Pvt. Ltd. Company – 10% without exchange fluctuation and indexation benefit.
1 To be increased by surcharge (applicable, if any) and Cess.
Special Rates for Non-Residents
The following incomes in the case of non-resident are taxed at special rates on gross basis:
  Sl. No. 1. 2.
Nature of Income
Dividend as referred in Sec.115A
20% 5%
5% 20% 4% 20% 10%
                          Interest received from infrastructure debt funds referred to in Sec.10(47) as referred in Sec.194LB
             Interest of the nature and extent referred to in Sec.194LC except as mentioned in Sl.No.5) and Sec.194LD
             Interest received on loans given in foreign currency to Indian concern or Government of India other than those referred in Sec.194LB/LC/LD
             Interest in respect of money borrowed by way of issue of long term debt or RDB listed on a recognised stock exchange located in IFSC as referred to in Sec.194LC
             Income received in respect of units purchased in foreign currency as referred in Sec.115A
             Royalty or fees for technical services
                                      1 To be increased by surcharge (applicable, if any) and Cess.
Tax Rate Structure
Others 125

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