Page 158 - The Chemistry and Fertility of Soils Under Tropical Weeds Book_Neat
P. 158

The Chemistry and Fertility of Soils under Tropical Weeds   145

                                    R      OH
                                                 Hydroxyls        CEC
                                                R       O

                                    R     C    O

                                          O    H
                                            R      C  O

                                                   O  -

                                                                           Increasing pH

                           Fig. 8.7.  The development of negative charges of organic matter origin with hydroxylic and
                                            carboxylic functional groups (Salam, 2017).

                              The decrease in soil pH may reverse the process.  The decrease in soil pH may
                           dissolve  the  heavy  metal  precipitates,  decrease  the  soil  CEC  and  release  the
                           adsorbed  heavy  metal  cations.    Likewise,  the  presence  of  organic  acids  may
                           dissolve heavy metal precipitates, desorb the adsorbed heavy metals, and solubilize
                           the heavy metals to stay in soil solution in the forms of metal complexes or metal
                           chelates.  Therefore, any natural or anthropogenic agents and processes that may
                           change  the  soil  pH,  the  concentration  of  organic  acids,  and  the  activities  of  soil
                           enzymes may change the chemical processes and the concentration of heavy metal
                           in soil solution.

                                                          Abdul Kadir Salam and Nanik Sriyani  – 2019
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