Page 35 - The Chemistry and Fertility of Soils Under Tropical Weeds Book_Neat
P. 35

22   The Chemistry and Fertility of Soils under Tropical Weeds

                           where X –  is the soil adsorption sites and NE is nutrient element cations  like Ca ,
                            +  2+
                           K , Cu , etc.  This mechanism may supply the soluble nutrient elements relatively
                           fast controlled by the related equilibrium constant.  The process is intensified by
                           the  lower  concentration  of  nutrient  elements  caused  by  element  absorption  by
                           weed roots.


                                  H + , Acids, CO 2        Internal Sources:          External


                                         Minerals      Weathering    Soluble
                                        Secondary                   Elements
                                  Enzymes  Minerals    Ads./Des/Dis                  Fertilizers   Irrigation   Deposition

                                         Matters        Decomp.

                                        Soil Solids                 Soil Water

                                    Fig. 2.1.  The soil – water – nutrient element – weed relationship
                                                  (Adapted from Salam, 2014).

                              The  second  mechanism  is  the  dissolution  of  secondary  minerals.    This  may
                           include among which the dissolution of Mn-P stimulated by redox reaction.  When
                           the soil environment is flooded, Mn-P is reduced and dissolved to produce Mn
                           and P ions.  The presence of Mn  is enhanced at low pH.  Similarly, the hydroxide

                           Abdul Kadir Salam and Nanik Sriyani – 2019
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