Page 46 - The Chemistry and Fertility of Soils Under Tropical Weeds Book_Neat
P. 46

The Chemistry and Fertility of Soils under Tropical Weeds   33

                           release of soil mineral K as shown by its value of  Exch.  K.  However, in the long
                           run the presence of weeds may also directly increase the soil C and organic matter
                           content  through  their  dead  and  decomposing  materials.  The  increase  in  soil
                           organic matter may increase the soil CEC which might increase the capacity of soils
                           to retain cations.  In the short run, the soil organic C and organic matter content
                           are shown not affected by the presence of weeds (Ontia, 2018).
                              In addition to indirectly affect the soil CEC, organic C, and organic matter, the
                           presence  of  weeds  may  also  indirectly  affect  the  soil  base  saturation,  which  is
                           directly related to the soil exchangeable bases and soil CEC.  The increase in soil
                           water  concentration  of  cations  may  drive  the  increase  in  the  soil  exchangeable
                           cations by the process of adsorption.  Combined with the decrease in soil CEC by
                           the decreasing soil pH in the root-zones, these processes may increase the soil base

                           Key Questions

                           1.  Explain how weeds cause direct and indirect effects on soil chemical properties like soil
                              pH, CEC, and BS!
                           2.  Explain how the weed-root-excreted H  and organic acids as well as the evolved-CO 2
                              acidify the weed rhizosphere!
                           3.  Explain  how  weed  roots  stimulate  the  soil  mineral  weathering  and  organic  matter
                           4.  What characteristics of weeds that make them very influential in the soil environment?
                           5.  What is the importance of Root-To-Shoot Ratio for competitive vegetation like weeds?
                           6.  How does the soil pH affect the soil CEC and soil BS?
                           7.  How do the soil enzymes affect the soil organic matter decomposition?  Explain!
                           8.  Explain the relationship between the soil – water – nutrient element and weeds!
                           9.  Explain the mechanisms for the nutrient element losses in the soil environment other
                              than by weed root absorption!
                           10.  Explain all the reactions that balance the nutrient losses in the soil environment!  Show
                              them in a diagram!
                           11.  What is the dissolution process? Give an example and explain!
                           12.  Explain  the  dissolution  of  Mn-P  in  the  soil  environment!  Explain  all  the  controlling
                              factors of this reaction!

                                                          Abdul Kadir Salam and Nanik Sriyani  – 2019
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