Page 58 - The Chemistry and Fertility of Soils Under Tropical Weeds Book_Neat
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The Chemistry and Fertility of Soils under Tropical Weeds   45

                           For example, the resistence of Setaria viridis on herbicide trifluralin (Beckie et
                           al., 1990).  The method is also used in allellopathy research.  For example, the
                           use  of  bioassay  to  evaluate  the  allelochemicals  of  sweet  potato  (Ipomoea
                           batatas) at inhibiting the growth of Cyperus esculentus  (Harrison dan Peterson,
                           1994) and Cyperus rotundus (Peterson dan Harrison, 1995).

                                  Dry-Weight (g/pot/3 months)  Bobot Kering (g/pot/3 bulan)  160


                                          IC  PC  SP  AG   BA  CO  CL  LC  MM   MP  WS
                                                           JENIS GULMA

                                  Fig. 3.4.  The increase in soil biomass as affected by weeds (IC Imperata
                                   cylindrica, PC Paspalum conjugatum, SP Setaria plicata, AG Asystasia
                                   gangetica, BA Borreria alata, CO Chromolaena odorata, CL Crotalaria
                                 lappacea, LC Lantana camara, MM Mikania micrantha, MP Mimosa pudica,
                                              and WS Widelia sp.  (Sembodo et al., 2012).

                           3.4  Methods of Weed Control

                              Weed  management  comprises  every  aspects  used  to  make  sure  that  the
                           negative effects of weeds are minimum.  The negative effects may relate to crop
                           production, crop quality, and other aspects of human activities.  Weed control may
                           refer  to  the  method  to  eliminate  or  decrease  the  population  of  weeds  in  a
                           particular land.  This means that weed control, which is intended to decrease the
                           weed  population,  is  only  one  important  component  of  weed  management.    As
                           pointed  out  by  Bridges  (1999),  weed  management  must  include  the  following

                                                          Abdul Kadir Salam and Nanik Sriyani  – 2019
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