Page 70 - The Chemistry and Fertility of Soils Under Tropical Weeds Book_Neat
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The Chemistry and Fertility of Soils under Tropical Weeds   57

                           plants.    Paspalum  conjugatum  was  also  observed  to  give  higher  effects  that  did
                           natural vegetation.  The same effect but with lower values was also observed in
                           subsoils (Salam, 1996; Salam et al., 2001).  The natural vegetation comprises some
                           dominant vegetation or weeds i.e. Chromolaena odorata, Clibadium surinamense,
                           Cludemia hirtam, Imperata cylindrica, Melastoa affine, Mikania micrantha, and P.
                           conjugatum (Oki et al., 1999).

                                  Table 4.2.  The changes in soil pH, organic C, total N, and available P of
                                     cassava plantation in Gunung Batin Central Lampung Indonesia*
                                                     (After Salam, 2014).

                                    Period of
                                                        Organic C   Total N   Available P
                                   Cultivation   pH          -1        -1           -1
                                                         (g kg )    (g kg )    (mg kg )
                                      0**        4.7      43.0       2.60       5.03
                                      1 - 5      4.5      20.0       1.00       24.7

                                     6 - 10      4.4      12.8       0.80       7.70

                                  *Adapted from Salam et al. (1999b); **Bushes adjacent to the plantation.

                           4.2  The Effects on Soil Enzymatic Activities

                              To  obtain  energy  from  organic  matters,  soil  organisms  including
                           microorganisms, macroorganisms, and plant roots produce some enzymes.  These
                           enzymes  work  on  the  bio-cycles  of  some  nutrients  in  the  soil  –  plant  system
                           (Tabatabai, 1982; Tate III, 1987).  Like any other enzymes, as biocatalysts these soil
                           enzymes accelerate the soil biochemical reactions that change reactants to form
                           new  products  without  themselves  involve  in  the  reactions.    After  any  enzymatic
                           reactions,  the  soil  enzymes  may  return  to  their  original  forms  and  may  re-
                           participate  in  the  same  biochemical  reactions.    There  are  several  enzymes
                           produced  by  microorganisms,  macroorganisms  (for  example  earthworms),  and
                           plant roots (Hayano, 1973; Alexander, 1977; Ross and Cairns, 1982; Frankenberger,
                           Jr.  and  Dick,  1983;  Baruah  and  Mishra,  1984;  Satchell  et  al.,  1984;  Satchell  and
                                                          Abdul Kadir Salam and Nanik Sriyani  – 2019
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