Page 87 - The Chemistry and Fertility of Soils Under Tropical Weeds Book_Neat
P. 87

74   The Chemistry and Fertility of Soils under Tropical Weeds

                              Root  excretion  may  not  only  intensify  the  release  of  nutrients  from  mineral
                           (non-organic) sources, but also from organic sources due to the presence of root-
                           excreted soil enzymes and increased microbial and microfaunal activities (Luo et
                           al., 2014; Salam, 2014).  Soil enzymes like phosphatases, arylsulfatase, proteases,
                           etc  may  avail  nutrient  elements  from  organic  sources.    In  general,  soil  enzymes
                           catalyze  the  transformation  of  structural  organic  matter  elements  that  are  not
                           available to root absorption to inorganic free nutrient elements that are available
                           to  plant  root  absorption.    The  greater  the  activities  of  soil  enzymes  in  the  soil
                           environment the greater the plant nutrient elements needed by plants are sufficed
                           from organic sources of nutrients.  Therefore, the capacity of vegetation roots in
                           obtaining  plant  nutrient  elements  from  soils  is  supported  not  only  by  the  root
                           excretion of H  and organic acids as well as the evolution of CO 2 , but also by the
                           root production of soil enzymes.

                                          Table 5.1. Organic acids related to soil organisms .

                              No.   Condition/Location   Organic Acids

                               1    Rhizosphere        CO 2 , HNO 3 , Protein, Amino Acids (Aspartic,
                                                       Glutamic); Vitamin, Polysacharides
                                                       (Polygalacturonic Acid); Sugar and Sugar Acids
                                                       Phenolic Acids, Aliphatic Acids (Oxalic, Malic,
                                                       Citric, Tartaric); Growth Inhibitors, Pheromones,
                                                       and Repelling Substances
                               2    Microorganisms     Oxalic, Citric, Formic, 2-Keto Glukonic, Laktic,
                                                       Malic, Tartaric Acids, and Lichen Acids
                               3    Various Conditions   Oxalic and Citric Acids
                               4    Aerobic            Phenolic Acids
                               5    Anaerobic          Acetic, Butiric, Formic, Fumaric, Succinic, and
                                                       Laktic Acids
                               6    Below plant residues   Alliphatic Acids (Oxalic, Citric, Malic); and
                                    and canopy         Phenolic Acids  (Galic, Vanilic, Hydroxybenzoic)
                               After Robert and Berthelin (1986)

                              As  mentioned  previously,  weeds  are  different  from  other  vegetation  in  that
                           this vegetation is more competitive and destructive.  Weeds may have higher root-
                           to-shoot ratios (Salam et al., 2019) and therefore may produce more H , organic

                           Abdul Kadir Salam and Nanik Sriyani – 2019
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