Page 61 - Appendices for Russell Wild
P. 61

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                                                                           These are next year's lowest-cost
                                                                           Part D stand-alone plans for the
                                                                           Rx drugs that you take. This list is
                                                                           sorted by the plans' costs for your
                                                                           Rx drugs, with the lowest-cost
                                                                           plans listed first. Costs shown
                                                                           include premiums, deductibles,
                                                                           and co-payments.

                                                           PDP = Prescription
                                                           Drug Plan, which is a
                                                           Part D stand-alone

                                                                                            This is a new plan in
                                                                                            2021 and is not
                                                                                            available for the
                                                                                            month of December,
   56   57   58   59   60   61   62   63   64   65   66